Thursday, February 23, 2012

Clearly, I'm Distracted

Yesterday, I wrote that post and bawled a little bit.  I just needed a good cry, ya know?  Unfortunately, a good cry and reading a dozen other blog posts left me not so much time before I needed to be ready for work.

Off I jumped from the couch to the shower.  I set my lotion in the sink, as I normally do, and began to fill the sink with hot water.  I like my lotion nice and steamy when I get out of the shower so it's a bit less of a shock to my toasty skin.

Anyway, turned the sink on hot, started the shower, wait.

I started puttering around the bathroom and I suddenly realized that the water was warm.  So I hopped in the shower for a nice loooong, hot shower.  Had to wash the stress away.

Twenty minutes later, I stepped out of the shower.  The first thing that hit me was the sound of dripping.  Loud dripping.

The sound of the sink overflowing onto the tile floor.


I left the water in the sink running (on scalding hot) for my whole 20 minute shower.

The water flowed all over the floor, filled my vanity drawer and ran underneath the tiles to the subfloor and soaked the carpet in the hallway.

It's kinda hard to see in the picture, but the drawer of all my bathroom stuff was filled with water.  I wanted to snap a picture of my stupidity but my hands were shaking too hard cause I was so upset.

And even sadder, the brand new 12-pack of toilet paper was totally soaked.  Despite the fact that only 2 rolls were sitting on the bottom of the vanity, the water soaked all the way up.

So, what I'm trying to say is... I'm losing my mind. 

I am so dumb sometimes.  Fortunately, today is a new day.  And it better be a good one!


  1. That totally sounds like something I would do. I like to consider myself a smart person, but sometimes my brain goes on straight dumb a$$ status and I do stupid get into the shower with my socks on.

    Hope everything wasn't TOO ruined.

  2. I did EXACTLY the same thing last week - only I was in the bathroom upstairs, and the water managed to make its way through the downstairs ceiling... :( It was not a good day. I feel your pain!

  3. I liked reading your Lent post. It was something I needed to read. It feels good to cry sometimes. I've started going to a church group, and the ppl there helped me think about Lent in a different way. It never really was meaningful because sacrificing diet coke or meat really wasn't a "real" sacrifice for me. One of the girls was talking about giving up tv after work and reading spritual material instead. Basically, Lent is supposed to make you get rid of the bad things and replace with good things. (I have told nobody this and may not, but here goes) So, I started thinking deeply about things that I do that make me feel bad about myself. Like say for example you said "missing church". My biggest problem was obsessing over a narcissistic ex boyfriend by texting, emailing or contacting him when it made me feel TERRIBLE!! My lenten sacrifice was to not return his texts, ignore his phone calls, and not email him. And I know that sounds very odd, but you'd have to understand the situation. Most contact I get from him are texts that say things like "I hate you. You ruined my life. You're not a friend." I decided that whenever I felt the urge to talk to him (which is like 10 times a day), I'd pray instead. Ok, so long comment. But my recommendation is looking at something that you do that doesn't make you feel good about yourself whether it be watching too much tv, not praying, sinning, whatever and replace it with something good. xoxoxo!!

  4. Oops! Like you said, today is a new day. Suggestion: Keep your lotion in the shower and put it on after you dry off but before you get out of the warmth.

  5. I like your positive thinking! I hope it didn't ruin too many things. It will be a funny story one day. :)

  6. You know, it does sound like a good idea to warm your lotion up first. I've done thins and I remember that sound of water running and thinking, "didn't I just get out of the shower?"

  7. It might not be the same but I put my lotion on the shower floor and it does warm up a little. At least this will never happen again. I hope you day gets better and your week works out.

  8. Oh no! What a crummy day. I hope it improved!

  9. Oh my gosh. I am laughing so hard/crying with you. Great read for a Monday though, girl. I hope your week gets better!

  10. New to blogging. I hope you don't mind me posting. Your blog made me smile. Not in a mean way just because, it reminds me of the daft things I do when thinking about other things...and how frustrated I am when things are broken or ruined after. My mum said to me constantly as she watched me rushing about when I lived at home(a good 5yrs ago now) more haste less speed- I never listened and I am always in a rush so I end up in a pickle like your predicament.... such is life. Hope you managed to rescue what yo could.

  11. that happened to me once, because I took my kid in the shower with me and then he "aqua dumped" on me. Not my finest moment...

  12. I love this post because it is very very interesting.Thanks you very much for shearing this article
