Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!!

May your Leap Day be filled with calories that don't count....

Shopping that never shows up on your credit cards....

{Photo: see entire blog contents}

and laundry that magically folds itself and puts itself away.

{Photo: see embarrassing bedroom floor disaster/tornado}

Forever and ever, amen.

Can you see where my brain's at today?

Happy Leap Day!


  1. I'd love to be old with a Leap Day birthday. Can you imagine turning 84 today and being like, 'FINALLY! I'm 21! Let's buy some BOOZE!' I would totally mess with people like that, though.

  2. Happy Leap day! haha my half birthday is today, and whenever I was a kid, and it was cool to celebrate half birthdays, it would every 4 years! THank goodness that phase is over with!

  3. I think all calories should not count for leap day. Good idea!

  4. Very interesting... I really like it... Thank you so much...
