Tuesday, August 16, 2011

He Loves Me.

Ever since I swore up and down I'd stop it with the non-stop-Mr. RH-fest, I've been a pretty lame blogger. Lots going on what with the trip to Hawaii with my family (still a couple of recaps to go!) and working crazy hours, so I've just dropped off the planet. I'm catching up now!

Let me set the scene for you:

So it's Sunday morning, August 7th, I've been back from Hawaii a week. The day before, Saturday, I had a surprise girly-doctor visit and got some weird results so I've been in a funky mood. It's around noon and I have work at 2 pm.

Scene: I'm hanging with Mr. RH at his apartment and eating lunch before I have to go into work. We are chatting about anything and nothing in particular - one of our favorite things to do.

He gives me a funny look and I shoot back with my typical response: "Um, whatcha thinking in that big old head of yours?"

Cue face of panic from Mr. RH. I give him a weird look back.

And then it hits me, a wave of cold terror because I know what's coming.

He blushes, looks me in the eyes, and blurts out, "The thing is, I am absolutely head-over-heels in love with you."

And even though it is SO not the perfect moment (I'm in sweat pants for a long night at work and I had planned an absolutely perfect day at the park the following Monday to help facilitate such a conversation), it was perfect.

You see, I had been absolutely bursting for him to tell me he loved me. For at least 2 weeks prior. I didn't want to say it first because I knew it was important to him that he say it.

And I didn't him to say it right before I left or arrived back from Hawaii because he missed me.

And he felt the same way.

In fact, on the night I got back from Hawaii, I was extremely jet-lagged and had gotten upset about something. Cue tears of tiredness.

He had looked me right in the face as I pouted and I demanded to know what was on his mind. He said, "I'm just thinking that you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen and that there are so many things I want to tell you."

And, because I sensed what he wanted to say, I didn't push him. Shocker, I know.

So yeah. We've been dating for 2 months and I am head-over-heels in love with this man. This man who I've been searching for really seems to be here.

I have tried to push him away with lots of reasons: we haven't known each other long enough, it's just infatuation, he's too young, and on and on and on.

But at the end of the day, I can't deny him when he says we could talk for hours about anything and everything and it would be the best conversation I've ever had - the one I want to have for the rest of forever.

So I apologize for keeping it a secret for over a week.... I needed to keep our little secret in a bubble for a while. Live with it and share secret smiles about it and hold it in my heart until it exploded over and over and I was sure.

Because I feel surprisingly, unflinchingly sure.

And it feels amazing (if a little terrifying).

Did I ever think I'd find and fall in love this quickly? Um, that would be a big NO.

Did I anticipate finding love (again) before I hit the quarter century mark this year? No.

And yet.... it's the best, luckiest feeling in the entire world.


  1. Sarah that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!! He really does have a way with words doesn't he! That has really made my day reading that.... I am so happy for you. You really deserve to be this happy after everything that has happened.

    Falling in love quickly is not a bad thing... infact it is often a sign of something truly special.

    Much love xx

  2. <3 omg thats so sweet! G and i had been dating around the same amount of time but had known each other for a year previous (him as my manager) and he told me at Christmas as we were walking around a reservoir :)

  3. I've been telling you since the beginning...HE'S A KEEPER!! I love that you're loving that you're in LOVE!

  4. Sooooo romantic! So happy for you! :) does he know about the blog yet??

  5. Sooooooooooo incredibly freakin adorably sweet!!!! :)

  6. Hoooooooooooorrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!! I'm so stinking happy for you! This is one of the best feelings in the world!

  7. God you guys are SO cute! I am really happy for you!

  8. So sweet. So glad to hear hoe happy yall are together!

  9. So sweet!!! I love it and am so happy for you! (and him!) I look forward to many many more gushy posts about you guys! :)

  10. This post made me smile and gush for you! Your happiness is intoxicating and you can see how much it is radiating out of you. :) I'm so happy for you! What a sweet story.

  11. Sarah that is such a sweet post! It just makes my heart melt. So happy for you!

  12. What a sweet and perfect moment!! I am so happy for you. Yall make the cutest couple ever. :)

  13. SQUEEEEE!!! I love it.

    Dave and I didn't say I Love You until 7 months into our relationship... but that's because I was waiting for him. I knew it months before, but he had let me know that due to past relationships, he was slow to say it. And I didn't want to say it first!

  14. So happy for you. I have loved following your journey towards love. xoxo

  15. that's so sweet! nothing better than being all googly and falling so fast :)

  16. Aaaww-SO sweet!! That is so wonderful-congrats on catching the love bug-sounds like you two share something very special:)

  17. YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! SO happy for you! When I started dating my husband, I'd just gotten out of a two year relationship with a guy who could never decide if he wanted to be with me. My feelings for my husband escalated so quickly and it scared the bejeezus out of me. But you know what? When you know, you know. You're not 15 and you aren't rushing in to anything. You have a level head on your shoulders and lots of love to give to your lucky man. :)

  18. so, so sweet! I'm ridiculously happy for you two. :D

  19. How exciting and perfect! What a wonderful story you two are making! It is clear to see you two are crazy about each other and I'm so thrilled for you.

  20. SARAH!!!! This makes me so happy!!!!! Oh yay yay yay yay yay!!!! What a sweet blog post :) Congratulations :)

  21. That is the sweetest thing! I love that it was so casual. I think some of the best moments in life happen in the most ordinary way.

  22. that is so sweet and so perfect in its own way! what a sweet guy!! :)

  23. adorable. there's truly nothing like that feeling of falling in love. enjoy every second of it :)

  24. Yay! So happy for you! :)

  25. once you know you know! love comes when we are least expecting it and i'm thrilled that it has happened to you.

  26. When you know, you know! My husband I exchanged "I love you"s about a month in, were shopping for rings three months in, and engaged at around month seven. Married nine months later and that was four years ago! So yeah, falling in love can be that quick when it's the right one. :) You sound like you're so very happy with him!

  27. So so so so so so so so so so happy for you!!!!!!

  28. Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy! :)

  29. Sooo exciting! What a sweet moment :)
