Monday, August 15, 2011

Blissful Wedding Weekend

I dropped off the blogging planet this past weekend because I was off to the wedding weekend of one of my college roommates.

The wedding was at Saint Mary's College and the reception followed at Notre Dame.

Everything was absolutely stunning and the whole weekend was just absolutely blissful. I felt like I was floating on a cloud!

And, to add to all the awesome, I actually brought Mr. RH to the wedding. You see - he and I weren't even dating when the invites went out. Not even close. (Or maybe close, I honestly can't remember.)

Anyways, the bride called me up a couple of weeks ago and asked if he could make it to the wedding. I'm not gonna lie, I was really unsure about what to do. On one hand, of COURSE I wanted to bring him. On the other hand, it was a big, Catholic wedding (he's not Catholic) with dozens and dozens of girls I went to college with (hi, we're crazy and loud and like to scream a lot) and we haven't been dating that long.

But in the end, I knew that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to introduce him to all the girls who have had such a hand in making me the person I am today.

So off we went and had the most amazing weekend. I walked him all around campus and showed him everything and anything that I ever loved about school. Surprisingly, he didn't get bored for a minute and I could tell he was just as into everything as I was.

As per norm, I went absolutely overboard and ended up snapping almost 1000 photos this weekend - mostly of the bride/groom's first dance and the father/daughter dance - but Mr. RH took everything in stride. He remarked to me multiple times that he was surprised and impressed about how dedicated I was at capturing all the important moments. He has no idea!

Unfortunately, this also means that I was in approximately 10 photos all weekend and because I had my fancy-pants camera it also means that I didn't get any good photos of Mr. RH and I. And I found out later he wanted me to take more of us but didn't want to pressure me. Which was great because I didn't want to freak him out by going all paparazzi on him.

Me and Mr. RH
Oh, and don't even ask why Mr. RH isn't wearing a tie. We got him a new shirt, tie, etc. for the wedding and a bit before the wedding he shows up where the girls are primping and I ask why he's not wearing the tie... to which he replies that his shirt won't button at the top button. I got it shut but there was a slight risk of him suffocating to death. So he got to rock the Miami Vice suit for the weekend. Ha!

My friends and I had a full-out photo shoot in the rain in front of the main building, which Mr. RH coordinated for us. He's a GEM, I tell you!

Head Table at the Reception
The particular roommate who got married is one of the most practical people I know, which is why her dress choice was so surprising. It was very glam and sophisticated - she looked beyond stunning.
My favorite part of the weekend was recapping the whole thing with Mr. RH. When asked about his favorite parts of the weekend, Mr. RH said that he could literally feel the joy radiating from the bride and groom. He said that everyone should feel that same absolute bliss on their wedding day.

I don't think I could have said it any better myself.


  1. Wow that dress is gorgeous - love the details.

    You two are so cute, but tell him I miss you on Twitter!! ;)

  2. Your hair looked amazinggggggg! Glad you had a great time with your friends and your man :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful wedding! Glad you had a good time. You are very lucky to be with a guy who comes out with such gems about weddings... he's a keeper I think!

  4. That dress is AMAZING! oh my gosh!!!!

    It looks like a totally fun wedding weekend!

  5. Reading that made me so happy! You look beautiful! You make such a cute couple!!

  6. You look fab! And you and Mr. RH make quite a cute couple:)

  7. Did you catch the bouquet ;)? You two looked so great!

    When W. and I chaperoned the prom at the high school where I teach, he discovered thirty minutes before we were supposed to meet my parents for dinner that his tuxedo pants are too tight. I tried to tell him that he could just wear a suit, but nope, it was prom, so he wanted to wear a tuxedo. He sucked it in for over three hours.

  8. What a great weekend! Seriously I love getting together with all my girlfriends from college! It sounds like you had a great weekend!

  9. you guys make the cutest couple! so happy for you :)

  10. First you look amazing. Skinny minnie!!

    Second, y'all are adorable.

    Third, that wedding dress is awesome. So gorgeous!

  11. Your blog is just too much fun to read! The positive, happy spirit with which you approach and describe life are infectious! Glad to hear you had a fabulous weekend - stay well!

  12. that dress is gorgeous!!! i can only imagine how pretty the bride looked! :-)

  13. oh my goodness...that dress is beautiful!!! I love all of the pics you took and I think its totally awesome that you took mr rh along:)

  14. it makes me so happy to see you so happy! :)

  15. Wow, big steps to take him to a friend's wedding! I'm glad he handled it in stride.

    Btw, that dress is gorgeous!

  16. You and your friends are BEAUTIFUL! Just stunning. I hope you had so much fun!
