Monday, September 16, 2013

Wardrobe Crisis: Rehearsal Dinner Edition

Soooo.... I may have to just wear nothing to our rehearsal on Friday.  I had grand plans of having the perfect outfit... but it's not exactly panning out, yo.

Above is the raw material we're working with here, purchased on super-clearance from White House Black Market... it's about a size too big, so I feel the need to compensate with only the most perfect jacket as a topper to cover where my boobs do not fulfill their duties. 

The shoes are my super-steal Cole Haan's from TJ Maxx, but I'm not positive they're doing me any favors, really.  Maybe I should abandon ship for something... red? 

So I ordered every shrunken-stretch-blazer on the internet and came up empty-handed.  And I have a lot of returning to do.

I'm starting to think the blue blazer in the center isn't the worst thing that could happen, but I'm just so unsure.  It doesn't fit perfectly, but it does look OK in this picture.  Maybe??

I guess I could switch the shoes and settle on one of those jackets.... or search high and low for the perfect cardigan, although the ones I'm seeing in stores this season are all way too long long long.

Thoughts?  Opinions?  Go naked?

You hold my fate in your hands.  Also, I only have 4 days.  SOS.

Happy Monday!


  1. I like the blue jacket, but it's a little matchy-matchy with the blue shoes.

  2. I actually think a black cardigan would look great with the dress/blue shoes. Try these Halogen cardigans from Nordstrom ( Great quality, not too expensive.

  3. What about a simple solid wrap instead of the blazer? I feel like the blazer sorta dress the outfit down.

  4. I would second the black cardigan idea. The fitted jacket makes the outfit look business casual and not rehearsal dinner-esque. Keep the shoes though; the pop of color is great.

  5. Cute dress! I would skip the jacket. Makes it feel like office wear. If you need to cover your shoulders, I would go with a black cardigan or wrap. Have a great wedding week!

  6. I second the black cardigan suggestions! I think a fitted one would look amazing. Maybe 3/4 sleeves? Keep the shoes, they look gorgeous!

  7. Have you ever tried Rent the Runway?? It is fabulous! My sister's and I have used it on several occasions. They send you two sizes so that you are sure to have something that fits and have a ton of cute white, ivory or sequin styles so you could stand out!

  8. The blazer is turning it into job interview wear. Wide black belt and the best push up bra you can find?

  9. I'm going to go with everyone else - I'd ditch the blazer idea. A black shawl would be so chic too...

  10. NO JACKET/CARDIGAN/SHAWL! This is a rehearsal dinner for your wedding, not an office meeting (I was about to say office party but even an office party doesn't warrant a blazer!). If there is ever a time to look feminine and gorgeous, girl- this is it.

    My advice- get that little butt of yours to the tailor ASAP. They will nip and tuck that dress in no time so that it fits perfectly. Repeat this with me... "The tailor is my best friend".

    Also- ditch the closed toe heels and grab a strappy pair. Black, nude, anything but add a little sass with the shoes since the dress is cute but conservative.

  11. I agree with everyone on the cardigan - the blazer definitely makes it look like you're going to work (even though I really like the blue! Just not for the rehearsal). Maybe a fun belt too? Something sparkly? Keep the shoes, they're an awesome pop of color.

  12. Have you tried wearing any of the jackets unbuttoned?

  13. Do you have an alterations express by you? It's an ohio chain that does alterations in something like 24 hours. They could put a couple of darts in that dress with no problem. I agree with above comments. No jacket, keep the shoes. Yay for your wedding week!!

  14. Cute dress!! Skip the jacket & go with a wrap or orange or coral would really pop if you decide to stick with the blue shoes. Congratulations & good luck-just remember to have fun!!

  15. Eeek! No blazer! No no no!!!

    100% agree with the girl who suggested going to a tailor and 300% agree with the girls recommending a pashmina/wrap. No no no to blazer.

  16. I'd go the tailor route, although do you have to have your shoulders covered in the church? In that case, a pashmina would be easiest. I like them wrapped over the shoulders and tied behind the waist for a more fitted look.

    I also love wrap cardigans for fall weddings. This one is really cheap right now at Ann Taylor--and they have it in a blue close to your cobalt trademark! Could you have it overnight shipped?

    Think this:

    But with this:
