Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Freakout

You guys.  So many things.

I got a ton yesterday, which should leave me feeling zen and very ready to start the 5 days of work I have left before the wedding.

Instead, my house looks like a legit bomb went off and I still feel like I should get some crap done before I go into work this afternoon.  Specifically cleaning up my life so I don't feel so out-of-control for the next few days trying to focus on work.

Also to contemplate the fact that it's too late to line up any guest bloggers for my honeymoon.  Oooops.


I got my groupon canvases that I'm displaying at the reception... and I am blown the heck away.  WOW.

Went to TJ Maxx and stumbled on a pair of Cole Haan with Nike Air pumps in my favorite color... for only $40.  I pretty much freaked out and had a true shopaholic moment.... basically, I'm a Maxxinista.  DUH.  The same pair is listed for $225 on  Whoa.

They're a half size smaller than I've been wearing lately... but I've also been annoyed lately because all my pumps slide off my feet.  So... I'll hold onto them and see what happens.  I've paid more for much cheaper shoes!

Got a gift yesterday from my college roommate.... WEEP.  That is all. 

I've been quite worked up that I couldn't find a complimentary red polish to coordinate, but not match, but definitely not clash with my red roses on my wedding day.  BAM, last polish I picked up at Ulta.  Looks pretty perfect to me, even in different light. 

It's a darker red.... Essie's Head Mistress.  Saucy, love it!

Seating charts.  SHOOT ME NOW.

 Soo... I've cleared my mind of a few things - and added more to the plate.  LOVELY.

Complete - nail polish, canvases (not late as the company predicted they would be!), tons of online clothing orders, umm.....

Incomplete - assigning specific readings to readers for mass, finding gift bearers, seating chart hell, what's going to happen to my blog?,  drowning in receipts, waiting on wedding earrings, emergency kit, programs, escort cards. 

Welp, there goes all my accomplishment feeling.  :)

Happy Friday!

(Is it over yet?)


  1. I know it's easier said than done, but I hope you are able to relax a bit.

    That gift from your friend is so sweet.

    Let me know if you want me to guest blog for you.

  2. Well here is some advice..
    Don't sweat the stuff you have no control over.
    Once your weekend is here, let the stress go and enjoy your moment.
    Your mom is with you, in your heart but it really sucks that she isn't HERE. I know how that feels, both of my parents were gone. Their presence was felt along the way but not the same at all.
    Have a shot with your girls before you walk down and toast to your wonderful future.
    Hugs Love and Happiness

  3. I absolutely LOVE the gift - omg - so sweet! That friend is a keeper for sure. The canvas photos are gorgeous! It's times like this I wish we went ahead and did engagement photos. We are working on the seating chart (almost done!) and I agree, it's one of the worst. Try not to sweat it TOO much - after all, people can and will move after dinner anyways.

  4. Girl, you're doing awesome -- and I absolutely LOVE those canvases! What a great idea! We're going to have framed photos on the piano at the venue, but I love the canvases even more. :) Great thinking!

    I can't believe you're in the home stretch... and I cannot WAIT to hear about your wedding (and see photos, of course!). Everything is going to be great!

    Also, totally started teared up at the hanky. So thoughtful.

  5. Oh so many things to comment on! I'll give you a list if you don't mind :)

    1. I am SO happy for you as your big day draws near. I know it's going to be just perfect and beautiful and I cannot wait to see photos.

    2. Gorgeous canvas and picture :)

    3. The handkerchief....gave me tears. What a sweet and sentimental gift from a special friend.

    4. LOVE the pumps AND the polish!

    5. SO CLOSE!!!!

  6. Canvases turned out perfect! Gorgeous!

  7. You're almost there! I know it seems like a lot right now but it's really close and you've got a lot of small things to do. But it's totally do-able!
