Thursday, August 15, 2013

One Year Ago

One year ago today, Mr. RH must've been feeling crazy - because he asked me to be his wife.  I *think* I said yes, but it's amazing how, after months of obsessing over that moment after it happened, I am starting to forget most of the evening.

Is it weird that I remember walking down Michigan Avenue at midnight, too lazy to hail a cab but also too tired to do anything but keep on walking?

On one hand, I cannot believe a year has passed!  A whole year!  365 days!  And on the other hand.... I feel like we've lived several lifetimes since then!

We've added two nephews and a niece to the family (and haven't seen them NEARLY enough!).  We've attended multiple weddings (which made me meltdown, because, holycrap!).  We've written guests lists, fought over the perfect wedding (big party vs. intimate gathering), Mr. RH was baptized, I became a godmother, I rocked the shit out of a hashtag (#almosthitchedbitch), got said hashtag banned from instagram, found out many friends were expecting, met some of their new babies, and obsessed over My Big Day, blog-style, more times than I care to count.  Don't even ask me how much I've obsessed on twitter.  Let's just say I've lost some followers... and gained approximately one million bride-to-be friends who just get me.

Away from the internet, I talked a lot of wedding talk - but have tried to keep myself bridezilla-free.  I feel like I've been fairly successful.... but then again, it's hard to gauge because the people who love me most probably lie to my face.  THANK YOU, loves of my life. 

Mr. RH and I have faced some really intense struggles, and I vacillate between thinking  "things can only go up from here" and "is THIS what I'm in for for the rest of my LIFE?!"  It's all very glamorous, and I'm sure Mr. RH has been thinking roughly the same thing.  Especially when I sit him down for the 35th time to go over the wedding ceremony and he tells me to choose what I like and I ask him to just tell me how he feels.  (Spoiler: he feels harassed and he really just wants me to be happy.)

So, today, 36 days out, feels... crazy.  Insane, actually.

I barely recognize the kids in that photo... they're about to go through some craaaziness that I don't think I can even explain to them properly.  

And I'm not even talking about wedding planning.

One year later, and I am at least 200% more excited about marrying that man.  I know that we are both probably more clueless than I can even fathom, but that no matter what happens - we are both super excited about what comes next.

Forever and ever.  Etc etc.


  1. It's crazy how time flies while also feeling like it is standing still. I remember thinking "wow it has already been a year?!" and it felt like a heartbeat and an eternity.

    Sidenote: How do you get a hashtag banned? Hahaha

  2. I know you're wedding will be amazing! I can't wait to read the blogs about it. I'm 79 days away myself. EEEK.

  3. I am getting SO, BEYOND, EXCITED for you. I love that you two will be moving in together, becoming Mr. and Mrs. and starting your life as THE RH's!!! It's going to be the best and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds for you!

  4. Yes, what's the story of the hash tag? Because it is an awesome one!

  5. Woohoo! Very hard to believe it's already been a year. I remember when your post went up because I was very excited for you... and also very jealous, haha. When Spence popped the question in December, you were the first blogger I thought of! (And yes, I totally think of blog friends... tell me I'm not the only one?)
