Friday, August 16, 2013

DIY 4-Ever

Back in May, during Garage Sale time, we unearthed a kitchen table from the attic.  Seeing as how Mr. RH and I nave a brand-new apartment with very little furniture inside.... I was still hesitant. It was just so.... country kitchen.  

So I decided I was going to re-finish said table.  After much MUCH hemming and hawing, I decided to just paint the table legs a similar creamy-ivory color, and to stain the top darker. 

So I sanded.  And then I sanded some more.  Thank the Lord for my little electric, handheld sander. 

Afterwards, I applied my first layer of stain.  

I'm not sure if you can see it or not... but it was a disaster.   I let the tabletop sit in our back porch for a few weeks... and then I knew it had to change. 

So I started over.  Sanded it alll the way back down to bare wood.

Meanwhile, I worked on the base inside due to crazy humidity levels.  Make it work!

After all that sanding, I did a little more testing of stains... on the bottom of the table.  And then I ended up mixing my own on the fly and all the testing was for naught.  TYPICAL. 

In the end.... I think my stain-mixing wildness paid off.  A perfect, mid-brown stain.  Ahh, much better.

The humidity outside increased again... so it was back inside to apply varnish to the tabletop.  The pic below is after two layers.... my dad said it needed more like 3 or possibly four layers.

As per usual, I may have overdone things a wee bit.... but it actually really paid off.  Six layers of varnish later - that tabletop is as smooth as glass.  

I cannot wait to get that baby into our new apartment.... which we got the keys for yesterday.

More details on that to come!

As for me... I'll be busy crafting.  Centerpieces don't make themselves!

 Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Ummmmm, that table looks fantastic. Holy cow! What kind of chairs are you going to use with it? I cannot WAIT to see pictures of your apartment.

  2. Go Sarah! I love your table -- and you'll appreciate it all the more knowing you put in the elbow grease to make it your own. Spence has refinished many of the items in our apartment, including our nightstands and dresser, and I smile thinking of all the energy (and sweat, let's be honest) that went into them.

    Yay for getting your keys -- so exciting! I'm steadily bringing things over and getting closer to moving in myself. Very exciting (and a little scary!).

  3. Nice job on the table. Can't wait to see the photos of your apartment.

  4. That table is impressive, WOW! It looks like you put a lot of work into it and it really paid off.
