Monday, April 15, 2013

First Bridal Shower

Yesterday, I had one of the best days I can remember in a very long time.  I drove north to South Bend where my beautiful college friends threw a perfect bridal shower for myself and another bride-to-be.  Her wedding is coming up very quickly, and seeing her and realizing I might not see her until her wedding was a big reality check.

The shower was held at Cafe Navarre, which I hadn't heard of before, but it's absolutely beautiful.

They opened up the place just for us, and it was wonderful.  They have a beautiful little private dining room upstairs which was perfect for the ten of us.  I wish I had snapped a pic of the whole room before everyone arrived.  Darn it.

The room had this beautiful, round window overlooking downtown.  It felt like a beautiful little slice of heaven and very intimate.  I'm only sad I didn't realize how fancy the cafe is - I would have dressed up more!  Rookie mistake.  I'm already planning a better wardrobe for my next shower.

Shortly after all the ladies showed up, the real star of the show arrivedsweet Ruth!  She was snoozing when she arrived, but, of course, nobody could resist.

Ruth and the Bride-to-Be

 Bling and a Baby!

Unfortunately, Ruth had to head home with her mom, who was under the weather.  Which was good, because otherwise I doubt we would have gotten down to much wedding-shower business - she's just too cute.

We opened presents - and there was a lot of gabbing going on.  We spend months upon months apart, but as soon as we're together, the college memories come flooding back.

I was truly blown away by how generous my friends are.  I know it was expensive to travel and have a fancy luncheon, but I recieved some of the most amazing gifts.

Of course, I recieved a few sets of boozing glasses, so Mr. RH can thank the ladies for those.

Happy wife, happy life, right?

Cheesing super hard for kitchen gadgets.  You can never have too many!
All in all, I was totally overwhelmed and thrilled with my first bridal shower.  It was fun to have another bride to share it with, which made it slightly less overwhelming.

I still wanted to cry for the majority of the shower - I am truly blessed to have the most incredible people in my life.

And a stack of fun new presents that Mr. RH insists that I can't even open until after the wedding.

We'll see about that... some of them are just too practical to save until almost October!

Now if I could just slowly come back to reality instead of getting the harsh treatment of heading back to work.  I guess I'll survive.



  1. You look so happy!!! And the floral arrangements are amazing!

  2. Ooh... I received the same slow cooker at my bridal shower! Love it! Stock up on Reynolds slow cooker liners. Best. Thing. Ever.

  3. way back when I got married, the husband made me wait to use gifts till after the wedding too. Drove me nuts to see that awesome crockpot sit unused for 4 months!!!

    and I second the crockpot liners! best thing ever!! :)

  4. Did you wear pink/coral jeans? I feel like I can see them sneaking out in the picture, and I love them! You looks so cute and happy!

    And also - You're going to be such a housewife with your crockpot now!!!!

  5. So sweet of your friends to throw you such a beautiful shower. I had my bridal shower 2 weeks ago and am also struggling not to use anything until we are married in October! So many fun goodies.

  6. We are getting together this weekend to finalize the plans for mine and this post really helped make me relax a little more about it. To see you happy and enjoying it is great! I know I'm going to want to be crying too. Love the new glasses!

    Crystal @EatDrinkClev

  7. What a great day! And you look beautiful. Also, I definitely did not wait until my wedding to use the gifts, especially shower gifts. I can see that rule applying to wedding gifts, maybe, but these gifts are for your shower- and thus meant to be enjoyed before the wedding. So there, Mr. RH! I say enjoy!

  8. What a pretty place for a shower! Your friends did a nice job. ;)

    And I will tell you that tradition says you have to wait until after the wedding to use your shower and wedding presents. Don't want you to tempt fate, now!

  9. How fun!! I'm glad it was a wonderful shower and it looked beautiful!

  10. My bridal shower is in August and to say I'm excited is an understatement. It looks like yours was beautiful and full of love. :)

  11. What a beautiful restaurant! And I love your make up. I think we need a make up "what I'm using" post soon. :) You look so pretty!

  12. I've not read your blog before; I just happened to stumble across it today when reading other blogs-I'm really not even sure how. This post caught my attention because I am from South Bend. I had to re-read it to make sure it was the "same" South Bend. Crazy.

    My step-daughter is getting married in May so I know the craziness that goes along with the planning. Best wishes for your upcoming wedding.
