Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wine Wednesday: Wine, Tacos, and Sunshine

I had yesterday off, which was glorious and all too fast.  Where do the days go between laundry and grocery shopping and closet-cleaning?!... blah!

But, late in the afternoon, the sun peeked out for a glorious couple of hours.

I swear, it recharged my soul for days.  But please, since today is the first day of spring, don't let it be days before I see it again.

We've had too many gloomy days around here, hence... bring on the wine!  And an early bedtime.

And turkey tacos, which were on the menu.  Yumm.  Just like Mexico, here.  Or not.

Happy Wine Wednesday.

What are YOU drinking?


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  2. umm have we met? lol Love your blog! Love Wine Wednesday! You can find me at

  3. I love me some barefoot wine. and cupcake. usually pinot grigio or noir. is that red super sweet?
