Thursday, March 21, 2013

6 Months.

Six month from today, I will walk down the aisle to my future husband.  (Except I almost just typed former husband and I was like, wait, something isn't right here...)

Six months until we become a family of two.  A united front (except on certain topics, including but not limited to anything and everything).  Husband and wife.

I don't really know what to think.  Six months seems like tomorrow and an eternity all wrapped up into one.

Note: the family of two does not include our nephew.  Although I'd totally take him if Mr. RH's sister offered him up. 

(Yes, that was the sound of my ovaries shrieking.  That shriek can travel across space and time.)

As I slowly (soooo slowly) cross Things Off the List, it's easy to get distracted from The Big Picture - which is that, six months from tonight, we'll get to be together always.

Since we don't live together and we don't honestly get to spend too much time together, I'm mostly getting excited for the day-to-day together.  Last week, we both got off work at the same time and cooked dinner together.  One of my favorite days in a long time. 

The past couple of months have put the two of us through a ringer.  Mr. RH has remained his sweetest self, and I could probably learn a couple of things from him about grace.

Pretty sure that the next six months is going to fly past in the blink of an eye.

I can't wait.


  1. AHHHHHHHHH. 6 months!! I know you are going to be a stunning bride! And yes the day to day stuff is way more fun with someone you really like. Seriously.

  2. 6 months is going to fly by!!!! So excited for you!!!

  3. This is so exciting! The day to day stuff is pretty awesome! :)

  4. I'm SO happy for you! It will be here before you know it!

  5. it will fly by. before you know it you will be walking down the aisle. :)

  6. It's going to fly by crazy fast! It is sweet to read your post, it's easy to see how in love you are. And what a cutie your hubby to be is!


  7. six months!!!!! it's going to fly by, girl!

  8. I love this post! So exciting. Tomorrow is 6 months for me. It seems such an important date. I want time to slow down to savor this craziness yet fly by so I can be his Mrs. I'm sure you are going to be a gorgeous bride - can't wait to see some pictures!

    Crystal @EatDrinkClev
