Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: And the Winner Is...

Remember way back in February when I begged you to tell me which Save-the-Date to choose?  And then I spent about two weeks texting/emailing Mr. RH furiously about "STDs" because you can't really buy humor like that these days?  (STD=Save the Date.  HILARIOUS.)

Anywho, after my initial response was to Disagree With the Internets... I did exactly what Mr. RH predicted I would do and went with ye internets opinion.

I absolutely swear that photo was clear and non-blurry and better when I yanked it off my phone a minute ago... but then again, maybe not.

I wasn't too sure when I pulled it out of the box, but, even though it's a fairly run-of-the-mill Save the Date... something about it just suits us.  Simple and classic and perfect.  I just wish I were having a better hair day.  Pout.

I'm hoping to get them addressed and sent out in the next 36 hours or so, I'd say.  We shall see how that goes, I am notoriously terrible.  AND I'm going to Chicago this weekend which requires 93 loads of laundry and a lot of time wasting on my part.

Plus, it snowed last night and I have to floor it to get past the snow at the bottom of my driveway.

Anybody still there? 

If you feel compelled to comment today, go to yesterday's post and tell me about your bridesmaids, your resized (or not) engagement ring, and about how you were 8 months pregnant on your BFF's wedding day and you hated her so much.  Cause I could really use some good advice.

I'm trying not to freak out about all my aforementioned #BrideProblems... but it's hard.  Especially the bridesmaid issues, cause those are the people I love most.  (You know, BESIDES the groom and all that jazz.  Isn't that implied by the million and a half wedding posts?  Thought so.)

So.  Save the Dates, semi-accomplished.

Next up, Bridesmaids.  So help me God. 


  1. love them! and your hair is fine - don't be so hard on yourself pretty lady!

  2. Yay! I love your save-the-date and don't think it's run of the mill at all. That's a great photo of you two, and I also love chatting about STDs with folks ;) heh
