Friday, March 29, 2013

Crafting. Check Check.

Remember back in January, when I had the most epic craft fail of 2013

Inspired by the shower I threw for Mr. RH's sister, I was inspired to create initials canvases for Mr. RH and myself.

My first attempt was good, until I accidentally jostled all the buttons and thought I could salvage it.  I couldn't.

So bad, man.  So so so bad. I love how the B looks squished and the S is allll stretched and jacked up.


 This time, I used a big, printed stencil to trace the letters onto the canvas.  Worked much better.

I then added some faux-nailhead trim around  the entire thing.  I've actually had the letters done for a while, but I couldn't figure out how to do the trim in a way that was nice and even.

And then I got out a ruler and measured it.

Duh.   I can be a little slow sometimes.

All in all, I'm pretty dang thrilled with how they turned out.  Can't wait to hang them at Mr. RH's apartment.  Gotta mark my territory, ya know?

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend with friends, family, and tons of candy.


  1. your second attempt looks awesome! I love the nailhead trim to finish the project =) I have had my fair share of craft fails - that's part of the creative process ;)

  2. They turned out so great -- very impressive! I love initial art :) I'm sure they will look awesome on the wall, and hopefully this will spur you on to tackle more fun projects! :)
