Friday, January 11, 2013


I had plans to post earlier this week, but Mr. RH has has a big addition to the family on Wednesday, January 9th, 2013.  There are two new baby boys in the family, Ethan and Logan.

Unfortunately, due to stuff I had going on I haven't had a chance to meet them yet.  They are in the NICU for now, Logan is on a CPAP breathing room air.  Logan was born at 4 pounds 13 ounces and Ethan was 5 pounds 1 ounce. 

Ethan had a bottle yesterday and both are doing very well... but I still don't like knowing they are in the hospital and my anxiety has been a little out of control since they were born.

However, I know that before I can blink they will be home and at the mercy of their THREE big sisters... and I can't wait to go visit for baby snuggles and big-kid energy-burning.

I am really excited to see Mr. RH be an uncle (again).  I just love that, despite how crazy and energetic his nieces are, he loves being an uncle.  Seeing him with the kids always makes my heart explode. 

Also, I'm happy for the family to get some little BOYS since I know they has had more than their share of nieces this past decade.  The addition of boys puts the niece-nephew count at 6-2 and I know that Mr. RH can't wait until the boys are bigger till he can remove them from the clutches of pink-princess-dom.

Me, I'm just excited to line up the boys AND Savannah for a cute three-baby photo shoot.  I've got some CUTE ideas in mind for Valentine's Day.... but that may be jumping the gun just a wee bit.

Luckily for me... with my SIL's cranking out kids by the half-dozen, I won't be expected to produce any family for at least a decade.

At least now there's no pressure to produce boys!

Welcome to the world, Ethan and Logan.  Can't wait to squeeze you, now get to growing and get out of the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. yay for new additions!! there aren't any family little ones for us...but my bestie just had a boy last week, and i cannot WAIT to see the hubs play "uncle". plus it'll be good practice =)
