Monday, January 14, 2013

250 Days

I looked at the calendar yesterday morning and, lo and behold, today is exactly 250 days until my wedding day.

Holy COW.

The past month or so, Mr. RH and I have been really working on building better communication skills (I feel like a college student typing that) and generally working on things that we need to worry about September 22nd and beyond.

We've definitely been living the roller-coaster of up and downs lately and there's a lot about life post-wedding that is really, truly up in the air.


We finished most of the guest list in the past couple of days, booked the photographer, and I purchased a pair of shoes I may or may not wear for the wedding.  Minus 2 inches, they'd be perfect.

Please enjoy the carpet fuzz from the iphone self-portrait.

I've found a couple of similar options (and a couple a tiny bit cheaper)... but these babies definitely have the wow factor.

Too bad they also have the ouch factor.

I'm not really sure if I'm on track for wedding-planning or not.

Now the question is... can I ever post about something non-wedding related before October?

Let's hope so.


  1. I think it is so amazing you are focusing on the MARRIAGE and not the wedding. So many people forget about that. And those shoes, are AMAZING!

  2. Love the shoes! Happy wedding planning!

  3. enjoy it! i loved planning my wedding (and helping my SIL plan hers!) just remember what's important!

  4. The shoes are gorgeous! I, for one, am happy to hear all about your wedding planning.

  5. Those shoes are beautiful! You should keep them solely for that fact! Happy wedding planning!

  6. Eeek! 250 days will be here before you know it.

    Love the shoes, they're just perfect.

  7. Sarah I LOVE those shoes! If you don't end up wearing them to your wedding, I say keep 'em anyways! They're gorgeous! Happy Wedding Planning! :-) Let me know if you need anything! xo

  8. Love the shoes! And hard believe you're 250 days out... I think I'm at 301 right now (thanks,!). Everything is going to be wonderful!
