Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wine Thursday

So, BREAKING NEWS, in an update to yesterday's post, at around 4 pm yesterday, we got the venue we wanted!!

And by "we" I mean I.

Unfortunately, I had to work and then jet off to "Catholic class" with Mr. RH after work... so I got the news, had a party in my purse (mass texting the future bridesmaids), and then went to class and then straight to bed.

Big celebrations!


Regardless, do you know what is cramping my style?  Wedding Wednesdays.  I like to talk about my wine on Wednesdays.  

So, today is bonus Wednesday.  On a Thursday.  Try to keep up, people.

I was at Kroger a couple of weeks ago and saw this wine sitting in the bakery... of course, it was Sunday so I had to come back another day to purchase it.  (Woohoo Indiana liquor laws.  Silly state.)

The last time I had a riesling I was really not a fan.... fortunately, the polka dots on the bottle clearly improved the flavor.  This wine was delicious!!

I actually have a little left in the bottle (how in the heck am I supposed to finish a whole bottle in one sitting?!) and I cannot wait for tomorrow so I can chug it in my sweatpants.

Now you know why this blog is called Classy & Fabulous.

Happy Wine Thursday!!  Hopefully you don't have to work tonight so you can enjoy a nice cocktail tonight.... cause I'll be at work.



  1. Congrats on the venue! That's awesome! And that wine looks delicious! Sucks you can't buy on Sunday. We can from 12-7, which still cramps my style sometimes, but whatcha gonna do!

  2. So happy you were able to get your venue!!

  3. Congratulations on getting your venue! That was a huge relief for me. I love Riesling! That wine is so cute. I wonder if I can find it in NYC to try it.

  4. Yay for getting your venue!
    I just tried Riesling for the first time a few weeks ago & was happy to find that it was pretty good. I'll have to look for this brand next time I go to the store. It's so funny to hear when other people can't buy wine on Sundays since here in NOLA, we can buy wine any day, all day. :)

  5. congrats, sarah!!!!

    now, you can relax. well, at least a little:)

  6. blue laws are THE WORST. i might be more excited about voting for sunday alcohol sales in november than i am about voting for president.

  7. CONGRATS!!! I am excited for you getting the venue AND for your cute polka dot wine. Both important, of course.
