Monday, August 27, 2012

Shouting from the Rooftops

A couple of weeks ago, Mr. RH and I went to Chicago for the weekend.  Ever since we went to Chicago in March, I was ready to come back.  I had grand visions of going up the Sears Tower (no, I won't call it Willis), going to the Shedd Aquarium (Mr. RH's favorite), and doing everything Chicago had to offer.

And then June happened.  And July.  And the start of August.  I was pretty darn exhausted - and, looking ahead at the calendar, I knew it wasn't going to get any better.  Mr. RH starts student teaching this week, and I'm going to be working most weekends - so I knew our long, quality time together was coming to a very quick end.

Up to Chicago we went, without a plan in the world.  We wandered for restaurants (and argued about it).  We shopped and walked and talked, mostly talked.  It was quite heavenly.

But because I'm me.... I tried to take a million pictures so I could remember every minute.

We walked to the Ohio Street beach, which, in hindsight, least favorite Chicago beach I've been to.  However, very convenient if you're staying near the Magnificent Mile.  Tradeoffs, I suppose.

On the first day, I'm pretty sure we just walked all around.  To the beach and Navy Pier and hit all the big sights.  No matter how many times I go to Chicago, I feel that I must see most of the big hits every visit.  I don't want to miss anything!

I could tell you everything we did (and I probably will) - but I think my favorite moments were the ones where we were just walking and talking.  And talking and talking.

After debating every dinner place in the tri-state area, we ended up at a cute Italian place called Rosebud on Rush.  And my terrible ordering choices failed us for the first time this trip.

On a cuter note, however, I wore the exact same outfit as I did on our first date.  I had lost the dress for months.... and then I found it in the bottom of a garment bag in the bottom of my closet - it had fallen off the hanger.

I couldn't wait to bust it out again.

This is the only pic I got of my cute self.... way too late past my bedtime. 

 After dinner, we walked back to the hotel and grabbed a camera and proceeded to something I had been looking forward to for AGES.  We went to Buckingham Fountain to watch the nightly lights/water show.  I have been to Chicago so many times but I'd never seen the show before.  I was so excited.

 I took a million photos with my point and shoot camera and wished I'd had my big one... but I was pretty impressed with myself.

We watched the lights and water show and it was everything I hoped it would be - patriotic and fun and wonderful.

As for Mr. RH... I think he enjoyed the show but I doubt he could focus because he had a lot on his mind.

And a very important question to ask.

And now you know what I've been wanting to shout from the rooftops...


  1. *SQUEAL* CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is fabulous! Can't wait to hear more. Now scream it to the world! :)

  2. Congratulations! That's so exciting! :)

  3. Congratulations!!!!! That's so exciting & I am so very happy for you!! I've been reading your blog for a couple of years but don't know I've ever commented. :). Congrats again!!!

  4. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!! That's so awesome!!! Congrats!

  5. Congratulations!!!! So so happy for you!

  6. Shutup! Congrats! This is AWESOME!!! I love your story of what you did woven in to this! Sneaky lady! How cool!!

  7. OH EM GEEEEE!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to hear all about it! I hope you aren't just toying with my emotions! Haha. How exciting!!!

  8. Aww congrats Sarah! So happy for you!

  9. Wheeee! Congrats, so happy for you guys!!

  10. Big congrats!! So exciting. Wheee!

  11. WOW! Congrats to you and Mr. RH! Can't wait to hear the story :)

  12. SARAH!!!! OMG!!!

    :) Congratulations!!

  13. AHHHHH!!! I'm so incredibly excited for you. Can't wait to hear more.

    Now, book Megan for your photog as quickly as you can! ; )

  14. Congrats!!! Very happy for u & mr. Rh!

  15. Congratulations!!! What a precious time together...time you will always treasure. And what a perfect proposal! Congratulations and much love as you begin planning for forever! What an exciting time. XOXO

  16. Oh my Goshhhhhh!!!!!!! Aghhhhhhhh!!!!!! I am at work but squealing like a school girl inside!!!! So excited for you!!!!

  17. I tweeted already, but I am SUPER excited for you!!! Can't wait to hear the details and see the ring!!

  18. AHHHH!! i too have been reading your blog for a while and not posting many comments, but congrats!!!! that is soooooo exciting!!!! more pics pics pics!!!
    the moment right after getting engaged is so much fun, there is nothing else like it when you're super super excited and the planning craziness hasnt started and you're just dying to tell everyone!! congrats mrs. rh :)

  19. Congratulations!!! You look so cute and such fun pics! I am so excited for you!

  20. Wow! Congratulations! I have tears in my eyes after reading this. I am so, so happy for you.

  21. Oh. My. Gosh. Congratulations!!!! I'm SO excited for you!!!!!! You are going to be a stunning bride....and Mr. RH is one lucky guy!!!

  22. Congratulations! I think you're forgetting a few details. Mr. RH put a ring on it, I think we need to see it! ;)

  23. oh my goodness girl!! I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations!

  24. I'm hung up on the few WEEKS ago, girl! Looking forward to some more detail, and pics ;-). Congrats!

  25. Ack! So so happy for you! Congratulations darling!

  26. CONGRATULATIONS! So happy for you. It's so fun that we've gotten to read about your whole courtship.

  27. I totally scrolled through the post looking for proposal confirmation before reading it all haha. Sooooo happy for you!!

  28. Oh, yay! I love surprises like this! Can't wait to hear more!

  29. YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Congrats! Best news ever. :)

  30. SWEET SARAH - YAY! How beautifully written....I teared up, I'll be honest.

    SO SO SO HAPPY for you two.


  31. I heard about this on Twitter this morning and was so excited to read about it on here! Congrats! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

  32. That last picture is darling. Congratulations!!!

  33. AHHH! Congratulations sweetie!!! I am SO over the moon excited for you! You deserve so much happiness!! Sending you lots of big hugs and squeals!!! EEEEP! :) xoxo

  34. THIS THIS THIS THIS!! This just makes me so so SOOOOO happy!

  35. That is FANTASTIC honey! Congrats! Now where is the ring? The detials? Come on! We're all living thru you!

  36. SQUEEEE!!! I barely recognized Mr. RH with his dapper haircut. Congrats!

  37. Mazel tov!!! What a great way to get engaged. Now I am tearing up.sniff sniff

  38. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that photo! Congratulations and happy planning! Mr. RH is such a catch :)

  39. YAY!!!! I'm crying tears of joy for you!!!
    So excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it!!!

  40. Awwwwwww, how sweet!! I just love that last picture! What a wonderful photo!
    Congratulations to you both!

  41. I have read your blog from the very beginning and words can't express how happy I am for you!!


  42. OMG!!!! I am SOOOO happy for you girly!! I'm tearing up! Congrats!!

  43. Congratulations, you two. Very happy for you both.

  44. SO EXCITING! Congrats!
    (I need to stop reading blogs in class... Awkward squeals..)

  45. Congratulations!!! I love the way you told the story too- it had me tearing up!

  46. Congratulations!!! Happy wedding planning!

  47. I'm a newer reader & don't think I've commented yet, no better time than now - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  48. How exciting! Congratulations!! :)

  49. YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great picture to remember the special moment!

  50. yayyyy!!!! so so excited for you =) and i LOVE that you were wearing your first date dress!!!

  51. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! I have been waiting for this posts for weeks--maybe months! I'm so happy for you and can't wait for all the wedding posts to come!

  52. Best wishes! So very excited for you and can't wait to read more! :-)

  53. GAH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah I'm just thrilled for you!!!

  54. Congratulations!!! What wonderful news!!!!

  55. Congratulations! What wonderful news!

  56. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about all the wedding planning now!

  57. WHY AM I SO DELAYED IN READING YOUR BLOG!?!!?!?!? OMG OMG OMG. I am SO thrilled for you and OMG can't even wait to follow all of your wedding planning!!!!!!!
