Thursday, August 23, 2012

Help a Sister Out!!

Let's say, hypothetically, that you had a wedding on Friday night.  And, hypothetically speaking, you didn't have a gift or really didn't even realize that the wedding is, oh, tomorrow.  And since shopping for a new outfit in the next 24 hours is way too mentally taxing to comprehend (although a quick stop at TJ Maxx isn't out of the question... hmm)... you shop your closet.  And in your closet, you realize that you've done attended a LOT of weddings, hot damn.

(In my head, that last paragraph was much smoother.)

Anyways, we've got 5 contenders for a 7:30 pm outdoor, golf course wedding tomorrow night.  It will be at least 80 degrees, if not closer to 90.

(Editor's Note:  I may or may not have snapped these pics with the blinds half closed... hence the awesome strip of sunlight "enhancing" every other picture.  Sorry about that, but I am definitely far to lazy to fix it.)

  • Dress #1 is one of my fav dresses but it probably looks like it could go to work in an office.  But cute!
  • Dress #2 was purchased from a fellow blogger and this is the first time I've squeezed myself into it.  Let's not pay attention to my bra in that picture, ok?
  • Dress #3 is probably a bit much for a wedding on a golf course on a Friday... not that that would stop me.

  • I swore dress #4 would always be in style but I think it may be going out of style.  GO FIGURE!
  • And dress #5 was worn for a wedding last August, and I feel like a hot tamale in it.  Of course, I also hate strapless dresses cause zomg boobs everywhere!
So, ladies of the internets (and I suppose men), please cast your votes or I will be ugly forevermore. 

Or I will spend 3 hours in front of a mirror tomorrow and ain't nobody got time for that.

Many thanks in advance...

Happy Thursday!


  1. I like more color for outdoor weddings, so 3 is my favorite! 2 is adorable too if you did colorful accessories. Have a blast!

  2. #5! If you feel like a hot tamale in it then you HAVE to wear it! Although... I would also vote for 3. I'm helpful. haha

  3. I love 3 and 2. I would suggest altering dress number4 to just above your knees. I think it would make a fun party dress and the color is gorgeous.

  4. #3 I love the pattern and the color pop!

  5. I think you look gorgeous in all of them! But if I had to pick I would go with #2 or #5.

  6. Rhymes with tree, sea, tea, me, he, she, bee, flea, knee, key... ok I've run out.. that's embarrassing... but yeh, pick three :-)

  7. LOVE 3, 2 is a good second runner up!

  8. This is tough, but I go with #2 with the bright accessories like someone else said. Have fun!

  9. i like 3 the best, if you dont want to wear that one i saw 5. is 3 from white house black market?

  10. I believe that #5 is the obvious choice here! You ARE a hot tamale in it!

  11. #1 or #5. But if you feel hot in #5...go with that!


  12. Number 3!!! Definitely number 3. I think it's perfect for a wedding- not too over the top at all. Just right :)

  13. I vote for 2 with a colorful accent!

  14. I vote for #2. Working as many weddings as I have I've seen way too many bad outfit choices. #2 would be perfect for that setting.

  15. Not sure if Midwest weddings are less formal than East coast but I think 3 or 5.

  16. You have such a great figure missy!!

    I say #1 or #3. I don't think #3 is too much for a golf course wedding at all. Better to be over dressed any day of the week!

  17. I love number 3. I think it's perfect for a golf course outdoor wedding! Not too much at all.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. #3 is not too dressy for an evening wedding. It's fun and looks fab on you!

  20. 3..I love it and it looks great on you.

  21. definitely #3.... #2 feels like a bit too much cleavage for a golf course wedding. #5 is good, but I always feel black is soooo hot in the summer...

    #3 for sure!

  22. I'm having a similar problem. I have a wedding in Wisconsin next weekend, and I have no idea to go more on the fall side or summer side. Everything in stores in Texas is obviously summer, but the wedding is up North. I don't want to be the dork who wore sleeveless when no one else does. What do you think and a northern girl yourself?? ANYWAYS, back to you. I'm obsessed with dress number 3. It looks amazing on you. YOUR SEARCH IS OVER.

  23. #3; I really do not think it is too much. And you look awesome in it!

  24. 5 or 2! both you could easily dress up with jewelry, but they're "blank canvas"-y enough where no one is gonna say "hey, didn't you wear that to wedding last year?"

  25. Well after reading the other comments I guess 4 is out! My vote is for #1 or #5 :)

  26. I like dress #3. I think it's perfect for an outdoor wedding-nice and colorful!

  27. I like dress #3. I think it's perfect for an outdoor wedding-nice and colorful!
