Monday, June 11, 2012

One Year

It does not seem like 366 days ago (leap year!) that you first walked into my life.  It certainly doesn't feel like 365 days since I surrendered my carefully-built defenses and let you into my life.

I know it's only been a year... but seriously, WHO ARE THOSE KIDS?

This year has been the most fun, most crazy-busy, most awesome year.  And I totally blame you for all of it.  No surprises there.

I'm sorry I don't really have any cute pictures of us from this past year, I know that you (Mr. RH) know, from this here blog, that I love a picture... but I thought I'd go easy on you in the first year.  So don't blame me if I try harder in the 2nd year.  Remind me to get my highlights refreshed more often.

I'm sorry we were both fresh from work and that we never take pictures together.

Happy Anniversary, Mr. RH.  Here's to a million more.  Or at least 50.


  1. You guys are such a cute couple. Happy anniversary- heres to many more!

  2. I love the picture of you guys! He looks so different with out the wild hair! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy anniversary! You two are so adorable together! Here's to many many more years together!

  4. Such a sweet post! Happy anniversary and enjoy celebrating!

  5. Awwww!!! Congrats to you two cuties!!!!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary! You guys are so cute!

  7. Aww, happy anniversary! Time flies! It seems like you just introduced him to all of us here on the blog.
