Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday=Brain Fried

Despite the fact that I had the last two days off to relax and celebrate Mr. RH's birthday.... I. am. wiped.

I'm pretty sure I'm not even physically tired, because I spend much time on my butt the past few days... but I think my brain needs a vacation.

Friday  Fact #1:  I'm pretty sure there was something in the air yesterday, cause EVERYONE was in a bad mood.  Mr. RH's nieces, who are 2, 4, and almost a year... were just wild yesterday.  The baby, who normally lives up to the nickname Happy Baby, howled anytime she was displeased.  And BOY was she displeased.  The 4 year old pushed me to my wit's end at dinner.... you know, the nice dinner where I was supposed to be celebrating Mr. RH's birthday.  And now I feel terribly guilty and sad that I didn't enjoy it more with him.

Friday Fact #2: Cake is a delicious breakfast food.
You know, this cake was supposed to be BRIGHT and COLORFUL... and it really looks like a baby shower cake.  That top layer is ORANGE, not pink.  Duh.

Friday Fact #3: I think I've been feeling a little anxious lately, which leads to me wanting, no, NEEDING to shop All The Damn Time.  It's annoying, because I really have everything I need and I really need to purge my closet before I buy anything else.

Anyways, cut to Mr. RH and I at the Gap Body store last night.  (Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with Gap Body?  OBSESSED.)  I made a little purchase and the lady asks me if she can email me my receipt.

You know what I wanted to say?  "NO.  I like my little scraps of paper, not because I am reconciling my checkbook (I barely even know what that means!), but because I like to hoard my receipts until I reach the breaking point and go on a shopping ban."

Instead, I gave her my email address.  And then a small slip of paper proceeds to print out and she puts it in my bag.  Not a FULL receipt, but a mini receipt. 

Did you hear that big BANG.  Yeah, that was my brain exploding.

So, yeah, I think my anxiety (and my propensity to overreact) is just a little high lately.  Whoa baby.

Friday Fact #4:  This blog post needs to end before it gets any weirder.

Happy Friday!!  I hope you all get to enjoy the weekend (at least a little bit!).


  1. I could totally go for cake for breakfast!!! :D

  2. I'm having snickerdoodles so I support cake as breakfast :-)

  3. hhahahha LOVE IT....and actually I think that cake looks fantastic! Happy birthday to Mr. RH! Happy Friday! xo.

  4. I love that the inside layers of the cake were colorful! So fun! Hope your weekend is better!

  5. My mom used to let us have birthday cake for breakfast when we were kids (after a birthday, obviously, she wouldn't just make it for breakfast.) She figured it has all the same ingredients as bread. Flour, milk, eggs... and nearly the same amount of sugar as half of the cereals out there!

  6. My mom used to let us have birthday cake for breakfast when we were kids (after a birthday, obviously, she wouldn't just make it for breakfast.) She figured it has all the same ingredients as bread. Flour, milk, eggs... and nearly the same amount of sugar as half of the cereals out there!
