Friday, May 25, 2012

New Favorite Picture

A few weeks ago, Mr. RH and I went, along with his older sister, to the zoo with her three young girls.  We had a blast, the weather was perfect, and I'm not even kidding - by the end of the 3 hour trip, I was ready to go to bed.  At 2 pm.

Anyways, while we were there, I kept trying to get cute pics of the baby with any of the animals that were being entertaining.

The giraffes were being super giraffe-ly awesome and so I stuck the baby out on the ledge of the exhibit....

At this point, I was recieving a little non-verbal communication... "Um, listen lady.  You are NOT my mom and while you ARE nice enough to carry me around the whole zoo, I don't think you know what you're doing. ARE YOU LEAVING ME HERE?  WAIT.  WHO ARE YOU??  STRANGER DANGER!"

 And then Mr. RH snapped my new favorite picture (below).


Five seconds later:  "Oh, hi, I like you.  Hey, are those new earrings?"  Yank.

Oh man, I'm telling you.... being the new fun girlfriend/surrogate aunt to Mr. RH's nieces is way better than popping out babies of my own. 

Now if Mr. RH could just get out of work this weekend, I could snuggle these babies for THREE DAYS since I have the weekend off.  Darn him!


  1. Awwww, how sweet it that? Too cute. Yep, babies are on/off in seconds flat!

  2. Your commentary for these pictures is priceless!!!

    Have a lovely long weekend :)

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