Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Classy Bookshelf: Teen Love

I had planned on posting every day this week.  How'd that work out?  Not so much.

In my defense, work has been hectic this week and I cannot get caught up on anything to save my life.  To-do list?  A mile long.

I cancelled my plans last night to come home and get some stuff done for work... and then I snuggled with my kindle all night instead.

Speaking of the Kindle... it has been most excellent for my reading this year.  I can fly through a good book in about 2 days.

My recent favorites seem to all be young adult fiction books.  Judge away, friends.

I wasn't really sure about this one - Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy.  By the end, I was eager to read the follow-up book.

You may remember Ally Carter from my last Classy Bookshelf post...  and I think she's done it again in this newer series, Heist Society.  I loved the suspense of this one.  Love!

I found this next one, Hex Hall, through What Should I Read Next after I read Matched by Ally Condie.

This book is about a young witch with more power than she knows what to do with... read this book in less than 24 hours.  LOVE!

In conclusions: I really like books written by people named Ally.

The End.

So, is summer good for your reading or bad?  I can go both ways - on one hand, I seem to have endless days to laze in the sun and read.  On the other hand, I'm always go-go-going and never seem to sit still long enough for a book.

Happy Thursday!!