Thursday, April 5, 2012

Indiana Weather is Killing Me

Is it just me, or is this The Worst Allergy Season Ever?

I mean, you dodge a few snow storms and suddenly spring slaps you upside the face with itchy eyes, constant sniffles, and a cough that may or may not eject your lungs.

Anyways, despite horrific allergies, I have been SO enjoying all the bright flowers of this early springtime.  It makes it a lot easier to "jog" through the neighborhood when all the yards look so pretty.

Of course, tonight there is a frost advisory so I will probably be dealing with dead flowers all the live long rest of spring.

Go figure.

 It's been such a pretty spring... I'm kind-of afraid what summer's going to bring.  Hopefully zero humidity and perfect 77 degree days.

I'm sure that's going to happen.  RIGHT?

Still on the hunt for black tulips.  I'll let you know if/when I find them. 


  1. I hope you get relief from your allergies soon! I know what a nuisance they can be.

    Have a wonderful day, I hope you find gorgeous black tulips soon!

    xo Georgina

  2. I keep hearing this from everyone! I live in Knoxville, TN and I think I'm the only person here who doesn't struggle with allergies..knock on wood. TheWeatherChannel actually voted Knoxville #1 worst in the nation for like the 2nd year in a row. It's awful!

  3. Black Tulips

    I live in Iowa and this is the company I get most of my plants from.

    By the way - hi :) Darcy from Iowa. Long time reader, never a commenter! Love seeing your shopping spree outfits and hearing about Mr. RH!!

    Happy Spring

  4. Allergies don't usually get me too bad, but this year my eyes are dry and itchy by the end of the day and I just want to rip them out.

  5. I found you some black tulips!!!
