Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter, Indeed.

After not having a weekend off for what feels like ages.... I went and had this weekend off too.  It was, I must admit, pretty glorious. 

On Saturday, Mr. RH and I spent some quality time with his family.  I haven't seen all the babies (and by babies they are really toddlers and Big Kids!) since Christmas, so I was beyond excited to see everyone.

We dyed Easter eggs and ate too much food and generally had a nice, relaxing day.  I was all worked up because I hadn't seen Mr. RH's family in a while, especially his sisters.  I'd definitely be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous that they wouldn't like me (again).

Thankfully, the weekend went smoothly and I got to snuggle some sweet cheeks for hours and hours.

I die.


Speaking of babies... Mr. RH has two sisters.  His oldest sister has 3 little girls, including the sweetie pie pictured above.  She's.... eep, about 9 months old.  I need to update my calender, I can't keep all these birthdays straight.

His 2nd sister is just a year older than me.  She got married right when Mr. RH and I started dating.  She has two darling step-daughters who are about 7 and 5 years old.  And adorable.

On Saturday, she told Mr. RH that he was going to be an uncle again, to her first baby.

I was a little surprised but mostly just extremely excited.

Another baby in the family by Christmas!  Can't get enough of them!  Especially if his sisters are the ones having the babies... :)

A very happy Easter, indeed.


  1. Babies babies babies! sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, indeed! I wish The Husband's family would start having babies! Poor Carter will be the go-to babysitter by the time everyone jumps on that train! And I cannot keep having kids. I need a break from being pregnant... and copious amounts of wine back in my life. :) Happy Monday!

  2. What a cutie pie! I would have hogged her all day for sure. Glad to hear you had a good Easter weekend!

  3. A weekend off with yummy food and baby snuggles? Sounds pretty great! And yay for another little one joining the family!

  4. So glad ya'll had a great Easter weekend! Babies are very BIG in my husbands fam too...they don't stop popping them out! I think you need to jump on that bandwagon :) *wink* *wink*

  5. she is adorable!! glad you guys had a good Easter! :)

  6. Sounds like a great day with his family!

  7. Hooray for babies! I felt like a celebrity Sunday at our Easter celebration. Before we left everyone was crowding around me, trying to kiss the baby.
