Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Super Indy

I keep meaning to post this but I've been running around like a crazy person instead.  Obviously.  :)


Last week, on Wednesday, I texted my BFFs and said that the Today Show was going to be in Indy and I was excited about it.  Unfortunately, I had to work all week last week.  I felt like I was running ragged, but there was a lot to be done at work.

Fortunately, my friends are way more convincing than I am.  They all took the morning off of work, so last Thursday night we wandered into Downtown Indy to see the sights.  For some reason, I had never made time to see the Superbowl sights in Indy.  Big mistake, HUGE.

We hung out at the Thursday night concerts and then went home around midnight to work on our Today Show signs.  I feel like we rocked them.

As we walked to the Today Show at just before 6 am, I felt like we had stumbled upon a different city.  The streets were certainly not crowded at that hour!!

I got my picture with the big numbers!

Too bad the dumb WTHR news crew jacked up my picture with their lights!!
Oh well, still an awesome picture.  Once in a lifetime, I might say.

The Today Show area was quite crowded when we got there, which was a bummer.  And we should have known better.

Fortunately, we really only came to see Adam Levine and Gym Class Heroes perform Stereo Hearts.

Al on the zip line (he's on the left).

 Adam Levine warmed up with a little Jackson Five, which was predictably adorable.

And Gym Class Heroes were cute and a lot of fun, even at the crack of dawn.

Ohh Adam Levine.  If only every Friday could start out like this...

Yeah, normally everyone dogs on Indy for being... well, very Indiana-ish.  But I think the world got a little taste of how awesome Indy is this past week.  And I'm not sad about it, at all.


  1. Watching all of the Superbowl frenzy in Indy made me so incredibly homesick. Im so jealous you got to see Adam Levine up close, love him!

  2. ooohhh man. that adam levine is super hot! rawr!

  3. That's so awesome that you went down for the Today show and got to see Adam Levine and Gym Class Heroes! We went down on Tuesday night to look around. We were able to catch Jimmy Fallon shooting the intro to his Sunday night show as we were leaving. It was pretty cool!

  4. What a fun thing to have descend upon your town! That's definitely a story worth having.

  5. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any of the Super Bowl Village. I head a lot about it though. My daughter went down with a friend and said there were SOOO many people they couldn't even walk. I do feel proud that the press, the NFL, and many celebs gave Indy kudos for a job well done.

    Glad you got to have some fun...and, of course, see Adam Levine...

  6. Oooh, Adam Levine. I was rockin' out to some Maroon 5 on my way into work this morning. Looks like an awesome, fun time -- go Indy!

  7. Thats super cool. 6am concert! love it! xo

  8. hello thanks you for the helpful information
