Monday, February 6, 2012

Best and Worst of the Superbowl 2012

I must say, I really enjoyed the commercials during last night's Superbowl.  It probably has a lot to do with my hometown obsession, but I thought Indy really hit all the best Superbowl high notes.

The Volkswagen Beetle Commercial - there's nothing cuter than a dog training to get in shape, but I loved the commercial within a commercial concept.  Especially since I couldn't imagine a commercial topping their Star Wars commercial from last year.  Definitely the commercial of the year, in my opinion.

Budweiser Clydesdales - I'm a huge fan of these commercials every year, and the Prohibition/time warp theme was really cute.  These commercials are always so beautifully produced.

Chrysler and Clint Eastwood - I got a little teary-eyed during this one.

Kia Optima - I'm not a Kia fan but the tag line of this commercial totally won me over - "A Dream Car. For Real Life."

Besides the commercials, I got another genuine surprise with last night's halftime show.

To be honest, I thought Indy had been shafted big-time with Madonna as the choice for halftime performer.  I just didn't think there was any way for the show to be good.  In fact, I was terrified that it was going to be super-super-bad.

To my surprise?  I really, really enjoyed the show.

The opening number, which is apparently her new song, was a bit rough.  Hell, the whole opening was rough.  It was over-produced and the Queen of the Damned Egyptian theme was.... yeow.

But, after that, it really picked up.

Sure, it was awkward to see Madonna trying to act like a 24-year-old.... but I thought she definitely rocked it.  She seemed to come out of her uptight shell and really enjoy the show, which was refreshing.

The middle to end of the show - when she performed with the marching band and a local Indy choir - that was really amazing.  I just loved the energy and loved the song.

Yes, I downloaded Like a Prayer to my iPod last night right after halftime.  It's cheaper on Amazon than on iTunes!

And last but not least... GIANTS WIN!

So, in the immortal words of myself from last night...

Game Over.


  1. I couldn't agree more with your commercial reviews! The VW dog was my favorite!

  2. Aww, I loved the dog getting in shape, too. So cute and original, and the commercial-within-a-commercial was good thinking!

    And the "Halftime in America" commercial gave me goosebumps. As soon as it was over and I was sniffling, my sister said, "Um... I don't get it." With eyes bulging out of my head, I started barking at her: "What do you mean? It's about hope! It's about how we're down but not out! How we're all going to get through this! How America is still awesome!"

    Then she turned to look at me, raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh. Well, I just caught the very end of it."


  3. It was a GREAT game and, as an Ole Miss fan, I am DEFINITELY happy Eli came through!

  4. The VW dog commercial was my favorite. I saw the video pre-Super Bowl and viewed it soooo many times. Um, you didn't like the David Beckham commercial? ;) Personally, I wasn't too crazy about half time, but it must have been a huge thrill for the school children to have performed with Madonna.

  5. I LOVED the Volkswagen dog strikes back commercial! I posted my favorites today as well. It ranked up there with the m&m's. So cute!
