Thursday, January 19, 2012

You Need to Know

Soo... I have a lot on my mind today.  Clearly, I'm full of very important information.

  • Yesterday, at Ulta, I was exchanging a shampoo and conditioner I didn't like for a different variety.  No receipt, just exchange.  It ended up that my new shampoo was $3.50 cheaper, thus the cashier tried to give me cash back.  I reminded her that I didn't have a receipt and that maybe I should just buy something else to even things up.  She grabs the manager, who's all "oh yeah, cash back" even as I tell her I didn't pay cash for them.  So they gave me cash back.  I feel like I totally cheated the system, but I tried!
  • I still haven't mailed my Christmas Thank You cards... I'm planning on doing it tomorrow morning.  Planning, anyways.
  • Buying books for my Kindle Fire is hurting me in my wallet parts.  I am trying to be more conscious of my spending, and spending money on something that's invisible kind of blows my mind.  Also, some books are more expensive in kindle form than in paperback. Yeah, no.  Suggestions, oh wise internets?
  • I am trying to go on a mini spending freeze.  I'm not going to say spending ban or I'll be sacrificing myself at the altar of Target by noon... but I am trying to be super-conscious of how I spend my money right now.  We'll see how long that lasts..... Forever21 post, anyone?
  • After Christmas, I was SO SICK of all the crap I was eating at work - Cokes and cookies and candy 24/7.  I was sure that I'd be ready to jump on the healthy-eating train and potentially even start running again.  Considering I just baked a loaf of bread specifically for the purpose of making French Toast before 8 am, for just myself... yeah, I'd say I'm not there yet.  I've added tons of fruit and yummy stuff back into my diet... I just haven't cut out the crap yet.  And I couldn't find my running shoes if you offered me $10.  Oops.
  • I'm on the 2nd day of a 6 day working streak, which culminates in writing my review and reviews of my employees.  Basically, The Worst Time of the Year, hands down.  It makes me want to consider quitting my job, every year.  (I'm such a baby).
  • I still have not done much about decorating my bathroom. Whatever, I can live with ugly forever.
  • It's officially no-shower Thursday!  Dry shampoo for all, let's celebrate!
Hope you're all having a great Thursday!  


  1. This is pretty much why I don't use my Nook. The actual book is cheaper than the electronic version and this makes NO SENSE to me.

  2. My library lets you download books to your kindle for 2 weeks, then they delete off. You may check with your local library. Also, you can share kindle books with friends. If you know someone else with a kindle, you can have them share the book with you through their Amazon account. You can also keep it for 2 weeks. Hope that helps!!

  3. I'm seconding the suggestion of using your Kindle for library books! If your library doesn't have a big selection, you can get a card for the Free Library of Philadelphia for $35/year and they have a great digital collection. Much cheaper than paying for all those books!

  4. thank you notes, spending freeze,eating habits, reviews....we are like life twins right now! off today and probably should get some of these things in order, but a little trip to forever21 does sound like MUCH more fun....

  5. ebooks are so much more expensive usually whenever I check, i hate that

  6. Most retail stores give cash refunds for anything under $5 regardless of how it was paid for. I don't work in retail but I return a lot of things. I think there's more fees/expense to them for CC processing fees and gift cards than it's worth otherwise.

  7. I just had to cut dairy from my diet. It's in everything. :( Hopefully I'll lose some weight as a result.

  8. Isn't dry shampoo the best?! I see that Katie has already posted about the library for kindle. She is the one who told me about it. I go read books so much faster on the kindle that it is nice to find some for free via the library.

  9. I definitely did that same thing at New York and Company the other day. I bought a bunch of stuff when it was B1G1 and then exchanged some of it since it didn't fit and I got money back. I felt like I cheated the system as well.

  10. It's so expensive to buy books on e-readers! I read the books sooo much faster when I'm on my nook- so I feel like I'm spending tons of money!

  11. I want a Nook, so thanks for the heads up. I can totally see myself going overboard. Did I hear something about being able to "borrow" friends' books who also have a Nook?

  12. hey pretty girl!! soo glad to be back!! :)) missed your blog

  13. Best way to save for the Kindle is to have a library card. My library has tons of books for eReaders and that means that they are FREE. Get yo read on, gurl.

  14. Ha, love this list. I need to get myself some dry shampoo - I've never tried it and I feel like it can really make a no shower day practically acceptable.

  15. Books are not cheap for our easy readers! That is no lie. I think it's robbery. I may start going to the library like Katie up there suggested.
