Monday, December 26, 2011

Scenes from Christmas 2011

Not pictured:  Food, food, and more baked goods.  OMG, so full. 
 My Family
O Christmas Tree
The Best Gift
Ok, fine, I didn't take the last one on Christmas.  But it'd be a crime not to post it because I love it so much.
Merry Christmas!! 
I hope you are all enjoying your families (as I go into work and whine the whole time)....


  1. I love the picture of you and your family! You know your mom is looking down on your and just smiling and feeling so full of love! And for the love that you found this year too!!! :) He's so handsome! (Ok now hurry up and get married so you can have adorable babies! Kidding, sorta... kinda...)

  2. Wonderful pictures! I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  3. Great picture Sarah! You look lovely as always!

  4. Love it! Glad you had a great Christmas!

  5. What a beautiful picture of your family! And a great one of your Mr. too! Hope you get to relax a little after all the craziness of the holiday season has passed. I know how hard you've been working! You deserve a break.
