Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Suck at Christmas

This year, I was bound and determined to have The Bestest Christmas Ever.

Yeah, hasn't happened so far.  It's been good, don't get me wrong - but I'm lacking on baked goods, hot chocolate, and perfectly fireplace-lit memories. 

Either way, it's ok.  Because the one thing I've had this year is making me so incredibly happy - Christmas lights.

Mr. RH had told me a house near his apartment had a cool Christmas lights show and that I needed to see it.  I wasn't sold.

And then we went one night.  And I've been back at least 5 times since then.

The show is timed to music and is amazing. Even more amazing than the "legendary" Christmas lights that are 10 miles from here.  And they are right around the corner from his apartment. SCORE.

And then I remembered a local Christmas display that raises money for a local charity.  A guy in the community lights up his house and the empty lot next door to bring Christmas cheer to everyone who sees it.

I took some of my mom's out-of-town family to see it this week and they were Blown. Away.

One million Christmas lights in less than one square block.  Probably smaller than that.

I wish I could better explain to you how much I love Christmas lights... but let's just say I've blown through several tanks of gas lately driving between Christmas displays.

I'm obsessed.

Anyone else feeling Christmas-cheery this year?


  1. We have a neighborhood that does that and they do it all for cans for a local food bank it is amazing. Christmas lights are the best part of the season. We didn't get our lights up in time this year, but next year we are going crazy!

  2. Ooh! There's one back home in MO that you have to turn your radio to a certain station to hear the music. The one year I tried to go it was nasty out and it was cancelled :(

  3. Driving around to see the Christmas displays is always a fun holiday activity! I love looking at them, too.

  4. I like Christmas lights too. I guess I've been out of the spirit this year. :(

  5. I love driving around to see people's Christmas lights and drinking hot chocolate! Sadly, most people around here haven't put up lights this year :(

  6. Wowsa. That's a lot of lights. I love driving around and checking out all the Christmas lights and displays this time of year.
