Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Christmas Tree

For the past million Christmases, I have been dying to cut down a live Christmas tree.  Unfortunately for me, I have never been in the position to pay/bribe a man to come with and do the heavy chopping/lifting for me. 

Enter Mr. RH.

I told him several weeks ago that I had a loong list of Christmas-y Activities that I wanted to complete this year and then I might have cried into my wine saying that we never get enough time together. 

I had the flu on Monday so our original tree-cutting plans got scrapped - but fortunately, yesterday was the perfect day!  It had snowed 6 inches the night before, but for an odd twist of fate there was no snow at the tree-cutting-farm.  (Which turned out to be a stroke of GREAT luck.)

We hiked ourselves to the middle of nowhere to Miller's Tree Farm (Idaville, IN).  The place was recommended by one of my dad's coworkers and I can't say I was disappointed.  The people were nice and they had a TON of trees for the choosing. 

I can't believe I picked one and we got it down in under an hour.  I could have browsed for days!

When it came time to do the actual cutting.... I realized that this Christmas tree business was not all fun and games.   Rookie mistake!
Poor Mr. RH, he definitely did... all of the work.  It was hard!  I could barely hold the saw straight!  (Also, thank you to Mr. RH for only taking one photo of my ass.  I was in a vulnerable position!)

We finally got the tree down and then I dragged it to the car.
Ok, FINE.  I posed for this photo and then Mr. RH threw the dang thing over his shoulder and marched off into the wilderness while I contemplated how handsome he is.  WHATEVER.

We browsed the gift shop for delicious snacks and I was jealous of all the cute Christmas paraphernalia.   

I thought the sign above was pretty much destined for me, unfortunately it wasn't for sale.

And then Mr. RH and I packed the 7 foot tree into the Jetta and drove home with the trunk open.  A perfect adventure for our first Christmas together.

In all seriousness though, how could it have been that six months ago I didn't even know his name?  I feel so completely excited for Christmas this year, and for once I don't even care about the presents. 

Can't wait to get busy trimming that tree!  I feel like I'm behind, it's already December 1st!


  1. Ahhh awesome! I want to cut down a tree.

  2. Ha! You took a picture of his booty too. Sweet man, you are so cute together.

  3. Awww so cute! So nice that you have a strong guy around to carry your tree! Can't wait to see it decorated!

  4. Looks like tons of fun! This Christmas is the first year my boyfriend has his own place, so I've been freaking out about how fun it will be to decorate! I haven't gone too overboard yet, but I have lots of plans... oh so many plans...

  5. Aw, what a fun outing! I really want to cut one down but the whole hiking out there, actually cutting down and hauling it away thing, makes me kind of not want to. We're going to get a live tree from the best frozen custard place near the house. I don't know why they also sell trees this time of year, but they do!

  6. I just recently found your blog and I love it. Nothing is better or mest festive than cutting down your own Christmas tree! Happy holidays!

  7. Y'all are too cute. Hoping I find my Mr. RH soon!

  8. great post.. made laugh quite a bit and totally reminded me of myself! lol

  9. Y'all are too cute! Have fun decorating the tree.

  10. that you have a big strong man to do manly things like carry Christmas trees! Yowza!

    I can't wait to read all the deets of your happy Christmas for Mr. RH!!!

  11. Love that he cut down a tree with you!!! I had my Dad help me pick one out... at Home Depot. Maybe next year, I'll chop one down!

  12. so so much fun!! wish i could cut down my own tree

  13. you guys are just so cute!! i hope you are enjoying your first holiday season together!
