Friday, December 9, 2011

Six Months Later

Six months ago today, Mr. RH walked into my life for the third (and last time) as a stranger.  I was wearing spandex pants and a push-up bra, just in case I ran into him.  I can't remember what he was wearing, but I know for a fact it was dressy, just in case he ran into me.

Since that day, my life has been The After Story.  There was everything Before, and now a new chapter has started.

Sometimes, I forget that we haven't known each other forever.  That I haven't been there for every moment and every milestone.  I forget sometimes that his family might view me as "that girl he's dating" and not as the Great Love of His Life, like I see him.

We spend a lot of time talking about The Future and what it might entail.... and equal amounts of time talking about how we are NOT going to rush through the right-now because the right-now is precious and awesome in its own right.

We decorated our first tree together last night and, despite the fact that I was quite ill with a cold (with a side of straight-up bitchy!), it was exciting to me to think of the next dozen Christmases together.  Of traditions and the future and of buying something to replace this white-on-white Christmas tree.  Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful and cute but... homegirl has distinct taste in trees and this is distinctly different. 

 On the other hand, this will probably end up being one of the most special and memorable trees we've ever assembled together.  Because it is our first.

Six months, in the grand scheme of life, seems like no time at all.  Barely a drop in the bucket.  Only 1.9% of my life lived, thus far.  And yet.

Most days, I feel like a crazy person.  I feel out of control and like NO ONE must understand this feeling.  That my heart leaps out of my chest when he walks into a room and my head can't even wrap itself around the wonder that is him.

Other days, it feels like the most natural thing in the world.  Me and him, him and me.  Us together.  As natural as breathing, but as exhilarating as jumping off a cliff.

Six Months.  Not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but plenty of time for the heart.  Who knows what the next 6, 12, 24, or 104 months will bring?  Not me.  But I am definitely excited to hang around and find out.

{This is where I was going to subtly word-trick you into thinking I was preggers.  Because everybody (no, just me?) loves pictures of me and babies.  But then I remembered that I'm hopped up on cold medicine and that I'm not as clever as I should be at 9 am.  To clarify: despite the fatface in Picture #1, I am indeed NOT preggers.  FYI.  Bring on the wine!}

Mr. RH:  I'll take approximately 100 more six-months with you.  Lots of babies (future), lots of fun times.  Wine (asap, preferably).  Laughter and tears (more of the former, less of the latter.  But then again, with me it's more 50/50.)  Lots of finding our own way through life.  Together.

Happy 6 Months.  May the next 600 months be just as amazing as the first 6.


  1. Yay for love. Isn't is amazing. Happy anniversary to both of you!!

  2. weep weep.

    I couldn't be happier for you. Love and happiness looks so good on you.


  3. Ohhhhhhhhh this post just put the biggest smile on my face!! So so happy for you two!!!

  4. Yay, I'm so incredibly happy for you and Mr. RH. You two are so stinkin' cute together!

  5. Oh my gosh... this just nearly made me cry. I am SOOOO happy for you Sarah. Enjoy and hold onto all these feelings--they're the best EVER. I wish you two every happiness!! Always treat him like the most precious thing in your world, and you can't go wrong. :)

  6. I knew my husband was THE ONE after just six months. You just know. And if it's meant to be -- it works out! :) Love love!

  7. Cute, cute, cute! I'm so glad you found someone who makes you so happy :)

  8. You're the sweetest couple EVER. I'm so glad you are the happiest ever. :)

  9. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! That's kinda how I'm looking at our Christmas tree this year. It's a real tree but it's only 3 feet tall!

  10. Happy 6 months to you two! I have dated my current BF for one year and three months. It is amazing the love that can be felt in such short time, but I know EXACTLY how you feel! My BF, Hunter, and I constantly talk about the future, but we also don't want to rush into things...Hey, we have forever! I'm a new follower!

  11. Yay for love and happy days! I love how you talked about appreciating right now. :) Enjoy today and your love. XOXO

  12. Sarah I am so very happy for you!! Of course you do deserve the very best!!

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  13. the hubs and i have been together for 5 years, and married for 2...we knew within 3 months that we were gonna be together forever, so i TOTALLY get what you're feeling =)

  14. Oh, these is so sweet. Happy 6 months!! What a wonderful couple!

  15. How sweet. Hope you two have many many more!

  16. I can't believe its been 6 months already! I am so happy for you, and you give me hope!!!
