Monday, September 26, 2011

Returning to the Scene of the Crime

On Friday, Mr. RH and I both happened to be free for lunch.  It was weird... that never happens.  So he kidnapped me and demanded I eat lunch with him.  Gosh, twist my arm.

I rejected our normal choices - Panera, official Mexican haunt, etc.  So he took me to the Mexican restaurant we went to on our first date.  Awwwww.

As soon as we get there, I made approximately 25 comments about "returning to the scene of the crime."  He reiterated that I am insane and continues with warm-fuzzy feeling-making.

Ok, so maybe I was the only one feeling the warm fuzzies.  It's BEYOND strange to think that almost 4 months ago he was a stranger to me.  As in, we had never exchanged more than 10 words.  Now he's lucky if I even let him watch a TV show without talking the whole way through.

So we're sitting at lunch, I'm pondering the fajitas, and we start talking about weddings.  Specifically, ours.

I can't even believe I just typed that last sentence. 

But it's true, it's something we've been discussing for well over a month.  Discussing in general terms - like, "doesn't 2014 seems like a good year?" and "No, Sarah, you may not have 19 bridesmaids so you better start practicing rejection."

You guys know the basic facts.  He still has over a year left until he gets his degree.  Damn him for dropping out of school and changing his major 43 times.  Either way, that puts a time frame on things.  We're not getting married until he is finito.

That puts us solidly in 2013.  Which is fine.  But realistically, if we get engaged that year, there will be no wedding till 2014.  Could be 2015, we know I'm an overplanner.  In 2015, I will be 29 years old.

Not gonna lie - the timing feels sucky to me.  To not even start life together until I'm 29 seems unbearably long and drawn out.

So we're talking and Mr. RH starts speaking my language.  Laying out a new timeline.  One where I might not feel compelled to start trying for curly-haired bambinos on our honeymoon.

2013, tentatively.  Deep breaths, Sarah. Just typing this is making my hands shake and my heart beat out of my chest.  In a good way.

There are a lot of variables.  My job could change at any given moment.  We could decide we are both insane and that 2015 sounds much more reasonable.

If you had told me in May that my life could change so drastically in 4 months, I wouldn't have believed you.  I would have laughed in your face.  And to think it could change even more drastically in the next 2 years? 

For once, I'm speechless.


  1. My husband and I started talking marriage after 3 months of dating. We had the same goal of finishing degrees first. We ended up getting married on our 5-year dating anniversary. It was totally worth the wait!

  2. Oh wow Sarah! that's both scary and incredibly exciting at the same time! It's so wonderful that he clearly is thinking along the same lines as you when it comes to not waiting for ages to start a life together :)

  3. I love this post because your 2015, 29 ahh timeline, is so my brain. Its weird when you know who you want to be with but dont know the logistics. I am so excited for you!!!

  4. Don't you think it's a little soon to start planning like that!?
    You don't need to be married to start a life together!

  5. Yay, Sarah! For what it's worth, I got married at 30 and had a baby at 34. Your ovaries will still work if you have to/ want to wait. ;)

  6. Whatever feels right to you both is what is right! Say some prayers and it will fall into place one way or the other. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters!

  7. Insert girly squeal here :)

  8. How exciting!!!! Just think, it's almost 2012! So 2013, really not so far away!

  9. So sweet. I got the goosebumps for you! You deserve to be overwhelmingly happy. Excited to see how your story unfolds.

  10. Why not get engaged in 2012 and marry in the fall of 2013? :). Love your blog.

  11. I have an e-mail from my husband just a few months after we started dating where marriage was mentioned. It seemed crazy but felt totally okay. We had to wait, though, because we were 18 and 19 and our parents would have shot us.

    You can get engaged at Christmas and then you'll have something to do/plan/obsess over while he's writing papers and studying for finals. :)

  12. Marriage may have been mentioned on our third date. LOL.

    That's so exciting!

  13. I'm so happy for you!!! Funny how these things find you when you aren't even looking for them!!! 2013 sounds like a good year;)

    So exciting!! You so deserve this, and I'm so happy you both are on the same page.

  15. It's so fun to watch you fall head over heels like this! It's so cliche but it's so true - when you know, you just kind of KNOW. Bet you'll 'know' when the right time to get married is too.

    Enjoy this time in your life too. Just because you aren't married doesn't mean you can't start building a life together. You are already laying the foundation for the rest of your lives together.

  16. I wish I had had a blog when we were dating! We said "I love you" after 3 weeks, and in 6-8 weeks, we knew we wanted to get married. That was 2007 We didn't get married until 2010. So I totally understand. So happy for you!!!

  17. *insert high pitched squeal*
    i knew when i met him. i know you read that, but i truly knew. its so scary and so exciting and so new!
    i'm so so happy for you!!

  18. I love reading your posts about Mr. RH. I'm so happy for you guys!

  19. I am giddy with excitement for you!!! That's about where M and I's timeline is...sorta. We don't have a more exact timeline, but it's somewhere in there. I don't think I'll know though when we're actually going to get engaged...mostly because it will be a surprise :)

  20. Happy for you that things are going so well. I'm 29, not even dating anyone... and not freaking out about it (most of the time). Don't get too hung up on timelines. 2 years ago I thought I would be married with thoughts of kiddos on the horizon by now. Things happen the way they are supposed to. Enjoy the right now with Mr. RH, not just the "maybe someday".

  21. Happy for you that things are going so well. I'm 29, not even dating anyone... and not freaking out about it (most of the time). Don't get too hung up on timelines. 2 years ago I thought I would be married with thoughts of kiddos on the horizon by now. Things happen the way they are supposed to. Enjoy the right now with Mr. RH, not just the "maybe someday".

  22. Okay, not to be totally negative, but I do think it's hilarious when people are "so excited about possibly getting married" and then the plan is like for 2013 or 2014, 2 OR 3 YEARS????? What the heck? I think when you find the person you don't want to live without, you CAN'T WAIT to be married and start a life together. Life is so short, enjoy the time you have together, really evaluating if this is who you want to spend the rest of your life with - and then just see what happens. Micromanaging marriage, kids, etc... to fit into your life perfectly, never happens. It will happen when and if it's supposed to, just take the time now to figure out if he's your perfect match...not just a great guy who likes you. You know what I mean? Find the guy you can't live without.... (maybe it's Mr. RH?) (I totally hope this wasn't a total downer....I truly did not mean for it to be....)

  23. Mr. P and I started talking marriage after one month. We got married 8 months after we started dating. That was so NOT my plan. Funny how our plans change. You know whats important to you, so go with it. Enjoy your time with him. And start counting down to 2013 ;)

  24. Classy and fabulous ppl don't talk shit about people on their twitter account.

  25. It's amazing how quickly life can change. I met my husband and was married within three months! Crazy, I know. We've been married for over two years and I wouldn't change a thing.

    Everyone seems to put a time frame on how long you should date or how long you should take to make a commitment. My recommendation, however, is to do whatever feels right. Don't get so caught up in planning that you forget to enjoy and take advantage of what you have now.

    Here's to the future between the two of you! =)
