Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm Alive.

*Tap tap* is this thing on?

I think this might be one of my all-time worst spontaneous blogging hiatus-es.  I'm trying to wade through the chaos of my life without dropping anything by the wayside... but apparently that's not working out so hot.


I haven't laid a hand on a Thank You note since a week before the wedding (bride fail!), and I spend most mornings  chanting "dry shampoo, dry shampoo, dry shampoo, dry shampoo, what was I looking for again?" before I snuggle on the couch and resign myself to a day of ponytails and messy buns.


I just survived another whirlwind wedding weekend.  It was amazing and fun and so dang fast - I'm looking forward to having a couple days off this week and NOT thinking about white dresses or bridesmaid emergency bags or making sure my tan is perfect.  Nope, nope, nope.

I must admit - there is a void in my life left by wedding planning.  My recent life had been so dictated by schedules and appointments and random crap that my empty day off tomorrow is freaking me out a little bit. 

Tomorrow I'll be back with a wee honeymoon recap.  Unfortunately (or fortunately), we were a tiny bit burned out on photos (him) and wearing makeup (me), so there's not a lot of photographic evidence of our relaxation... but I happened, and I have the distant memories to prove it.

See you back here tomorrow!

First Dance Sneak Peek


  1. I can't wait for more photos!!! Gorgeous bride and groom! :)

  2. Eek! Loving the sneak peek!! SHOW US MORE!

  3. Girl. I was the SAME way. Honestly I used to blog all the time and that sort of ceased when Adam and I got together. I keep intending to do a bunch of posts on the wedding and honeymoon, and it's still one thing after another. And being from the south, I was well versed in the "get thank yous out within 6 weeks of the wedding" rule... pretty sure I sent mine with only 2 days to spare! Sometimes you just have to relax and be married and get it done when you darn well feel like it! :)

  4. Welcome back! It's so surreal to have it all over - it ends so suddenly. Once we were free from our obligations, we both had a jolt of energy which lasted 20 minutes before passing out in our honeymoon suite. Ha! Can't wait to see the photos you do have :)

  5. I cannot wait to see more beautiful pictures!!
