Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Wedding Month!!!!!!!

I actually cannot believe it's here.  And that I have approximately FOUR regular days off before the wedding shenanigans start.

And that I feel like I got a LOT of stuff done on the checklist since my last check-in.  Baby steps?

  • Wedding Jewelry - I think I'm ordering a smaller pair of earrings on Etsy - the chandeliers are just too much.  
  • Garter - ain't got time.
  • Guest Book - still haven't decided on anything
  • Finalize Flower-Girl Dresses - We've hit a major snag.  The dresses were "in stock"... then "delivered in 2-3 weeks"... now back-ordered 4-6 weeks.  As in... multiple weeks past my wedding date.
  • Flower Girl Shoes - Target to the rescue...
  • DIY Toasting Flutes - I've got an idea....
  • Bridesmaids Gifts – all ordered, just need to assemble.
  • Rehearsal Dinner Dress - found one, now I just need some accessories and a cute jacket.
  • Cake Stand and Server - borrowing MOH's
  • Gifts for Parents - maybe just write them a sweet card?
  • Videographer.  My dreams are slowly going away here. 
  • Rehearsal Dinner - working on head count
  • Total up RSVPs - like.... today.  I really have no clue where the head count is at.  Due Friday!
  • Music List to DJ - maybe finished?  I should probably ask Mr. RH.
  • Rehearsal Dinner Activities - fun game with prizes?
  • Find out if I passed the Natural Family Planning class
  • Update Wedding Website - I did a little work here...
  • Update Registry
  • Find a Makeup Artist - I found someone to do MY makeup.... the bridesmaids, maybe not.
  • Hair Trial - Wednesday before the wedding
  • Makeup Trial
  • Second Dress Fitting
  • Meet with Florist and Finalize Flowers, Centerpieces
  • Start to Create Centerpieces - just need to pack them up to be transported
  • Address and Mail Invitations
  • Photo Wish-List for Photographer
  • Bridal Party Transportation from Wedding to Reception
  • Bridal Emergency Kit – put it together. 
  • Bachelorette Party
  • Bridal Shower 
  • Shower Thank-You-Notes
  • Moving Into Newlywed Apartment
  • Get Marriage License
  • Have Lace Bolero/Wrap (required by church) Tailored 
  • Order Engagement Photo Canvas - no idea if these will actually arrive on time.  I feel like the 1 day holiday is actually going to make them late
  • Confirm Rehearsal with Priest, Bridal Party
  • Wedding Day Itinerary and Schedule (for family and bridal party)
  • Choose Readings for Ceremony
  • Write personalized “intentions” for ceremony. 
  • Find Ceremony Readers, Gift Bearers
  • Pick Ceremony Musicians, Music. 
  • Ceremony Programs
  • Say “I Do”
  • Verify Getaway Car Transportation  (Wedding Week-Of)
  • Candy Bar – order candy, find containers to use, labels, etc
  • Tasting for Reception Venue
  • Head Count and Final Menu to Caterer – September 6th
  • Seating Chart, Escort Cards
  • Kid-Friendly Reception Entertainment
  • Make “Card Box” for Reception
  • Order Sparklers for Sparkler Exit
  • Coordinate who will be responsible for gifts after wedding - MOH's parents, my dad
  • Tips for Staff
  • Honeymoon - booked plane tickets.... 
  • Need to Book a Car for the week...
  • Arrange for Tuxes to be Returned 
  • Thank You Notes

I feel like things have changed a lot since the last list... but yeah, still a LOT left un-checked.  GULP.  And basically 4 days off before the wedding to do it all.

Pray for me. 


  1. You can DO it! :-) Good luck with the final push! It will all be worth it in the end....

  2. So soon - keep going!!!! You can do it girlfriend!


  3. Check out Candy Warehouse or something like that. That's where we got the candy for our wedding from!

    Best of luck to you and happy wedding month!

  4. Have a friend with a flip cam video the ceremony and get some footage of the reception. When you have the cash you can get someone to edit the footage and make it into a true "wedding video"!

    Almost to the finish line!!!!!! Yay!

  5. I truly love reading your To Do list because it makes me feel like I'm normal! My list is still long and I freak out every now and then too. It's going to be fabulous!!

  6. dude I just stressed out. I mean, you can do it.

  7. How about a coffee table book to use as your guest book. Any book with beautiful photographs of your state/city/gardens/whatever. Buy the right kind of permanent markers/pens and let guests choose which page to sign. You'll never look at a guest book again, but a coffee table book will be right in your living room for you to flip through whenever you like.
