Friday, September 20, 2013

Final Countdown

Well... it's FINALLY here.  In just a couple of hours, family will begin streaming into town from far and wide - to stay in overpriced hotel rooms and toast to my impending marriage.

Shortly after I woke up this morning, I was filled with butterflies and anxiety and "adlsfkjaoewiurijdl" all up in my brain.... but I'm slowly starting to feel zen about the whole thing.

There's still a TON of stuff that hasn't been sorted, but I can't imagine it's going to happen now.  Maybe.  Who knows.

My honeymoon bag is halfway packed, and I think I'm almost ready to get on with it.

Cheers, friends!!

Thanks for following along for all my #almosthitched shenanigans.  Can't wait to relive the moment with you on the other side of the aisle.



  1. Almost there!! You can do it!! Try to take a deep breath and pause for a minute to savor the insanity. No matter what happens (or doesn't happen!)at the end of this adventure you'll be married! xoxo

  2. SO happy for you! I agree with mangovino - stop and think about what you're doing this weekend. Really think about it. Those are the moments you'll remember after it's done!

  3. So very excited and happy for you -- can't wait to hear all about it! I know it's going to be a fabulous time and, no matter what, you'll be married to your love. :) What could be better?! Have a simply fantastic time. xoxo

  4. Yay! Enjoy your weekend. Best wishes for you and Mr. RH as you begin the next chapter in life together.

  5. Was totally thinking of you and had to come visit! Best wishes - can't wait to hear all about your very special day. xoxo

  6. I'll be thinking of you! You are going to be a GORGEOUS bride!!!! Congrats again and try to enjoy every minute!

  7. I'm soooo excited for you! Have an amazing weekend, honeymoon and WEDDING !:)

  8. YOU MADE IT!!!! What a year it has been.

    You will make the most stunning of brides, and Mr.RH doesn't even know what he is in for when those church doors open.

    I wish you nothing but happiness, joy, and fun on this weekend. It goes by fast and furious but you will have the time of your life.


  9. omGAH I'm so excited for you!! I selfishly don't want to wait a week+ or so to hear about it, so hurry back! Have a total blast, as long as the ceremony happens, the rest is just icing on the cake. enjoy it!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So exciting and SO happy for you. Can't wit to hear all about it.

  11. Amazing! Enjoy the journey!! Have fun! And sit back and take it all in with Mr. RH. Xoxo!!

  12. Treat yourself to a blogging BREAK!!! You just go enjoy every moment of the wedding and being a newlywed! Best wishes, love!!

  13. Good luck! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it.
