Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bachelorette Party, Part 1

So, I don't have the proper energy or time to devote to blogging these days, but I'm starting to think I never will.  And I'm already heartbroken thinking that I've missed so many important "moments" that I haven't captured on this old blog.

So here we go.

Last weekend, my 5 fabulous bridesmaids trekked with me to the great state of Wisconsin to visit Lake Geneva.  The thing I wished for most out of my bachelorette weekend was to spend quality time with my favorite people.

My secondary wish was to enjoy a weekend of fun in the sun - a real summer weekend like I haven't enjoyed in probably two years.

The part we didn't anticipate is how it would be below sixty degrees for the majority of the weekend, with very little sunshine at all.  Not gonna lie, it's almost enough to make me want to weep.  I still got my fabulous weekend.... just not any fabulous weather.  At all.

My bridesmaids, despite the weather, were huge troopers and determined the ways we could enjoy the lake while we were there.  And they made a pretty damn good effort.

The first night, we grabbed some snacks at the local grocery store and then proceeded to hang outside by the fire pit after a huge rain cloud passed through.  It was the best weather we had all weekend, even though it was cold.

So, without further ado, some pictures of the first night.

 After we first arrived.... you can see the storm clouds brewing!  (Also, why are we so tired after just riding in the car all day?)

Festive Drinking Glasses

To pass the weather, we ran to the grocery and grabbed more and more food.  YUM.

By the time we got back to the house, the sun was out and gorgeous.  YAY!

The Bride, The MOH, and Future Niece 

The Next Bride and I - Her Wedding is October 5th!

After a lot of eating, we proceeded to play the big Bachelorette game! 

I told Mr. RH that I did so well and I was so proud of myself... and then he informed me I got a C+.  And the maids even accused me of cheating!

The Dinner Cruise loved us... mostly because we were probably the only people outside that night!

 The Setup

 Being Bossy and Defending my Wrong Answers

After the game, we sipped a few more cocktails and then it was present time.  Not going to lie, I can't even really think about this because it's so overwhelming - I feel so loved!

 Ohhhh la la.


I know it's a picture overload, but this post is definitely for my memory book.  This engagement went so slowly for so long - and now there's SO much to do and so little time.  Definitely overwhelming, and I hate to miss a thing.

Up next, we'll get to more bachelorette pictures.... including our AWESOME costumes for dinner.  You don't want to miss it!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Glad you had such a good time, even though the weather stunk! Seems to always work out that way!

  2. Aww! What a fun looking weekend!! Cheers!

  3. Looks like a grand old time! I love the hatch tag for the weekend. :)

  4. Not picture overload at all. I was looking forward to more!
