Monday, June 24, 2013

Life as an Almost-Hitched-Bitch

Yes, I've been AWOL for days-on-end (unless you follow me on twitter/instagram), but I have to hop on super-fast to share my guest post on Tess' blog today

I'll have a post up later about something that I've been up to - spray tans, engagement photos, swigging champagne directly from bottles, traveling up to my alma mater (and sobbing the whole time), a STUNNING wedding (and the subsequent pressure I'm under to make my wedding Awesomer!), and finally getting some quality time with Mr. RH.

But for now... feel free to read my ass-vice to brides-to-be over on Tess' blog.  I cannot WAIT for her to get back so we can hear ALLLLLLLLL about the big day.

Congrats, Tess!!  (And 89 days and counting for meee.  GULP.)

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