Friday, June 28, 2013

Busy and Brave

Oooof, if I only had an excuse for every single time I disappeared.

This time... it's because I'm too busy jamming out to my new favorite song, Brave by Sara Bareilles.  My employees seem to think I can't get enough of Sara, even if she does spell her name wrong.

They would be correct.

It's not exactly a "jam", per se, but it's definitely my summer jam.  So if you see a blonde in a ponytail singing her heart out in the car.... HI!

Happy Friday!


  1. I love SB! She's the best. This new single is good!

  2. i am SO SO pumped for the album...only 2 more week!!

  3. SUCH a good song!! We saw her live back in May and it has me SO pumped for her new album!
