Thursday, June 13, 2013

100 Days

Ho-ly-cow!  You guys.

I get married 100 days from today.  Just typing that line makes my heart skip a beat.  I cannot believe that I'm actually getting married - and soon.

It's getting to the point where I am starting and finishing wedding tasks practically on autopilot - which is good and scary!

Yesterday, Mr. RH and I had a whirlwind date afternoon.  I had worked a long day at work and was exceptionally weary... he was not happy to be on our little mission - which included buying a suit, returning some engagement-photo-shoot-outfit rejects, and celebrating our anniversary.

The afternoon?  Was a disaster.  We had a little silent treatment on both sides, minor name-calling, approximately 53 dirty looks shared, and - truly - the injustice that I didn't even get to browse at DSW - and undoubtedly DSW probably held all the secrets to truly unending happiness, for one night only - last night.  Someone, who shall remain nameless, guilt-tripped her fiance, whined until there was no whine left, and cried multiple times.  I won't tell you if the tears were shed exclusively for shoe-shopping or not.

Things really hit a high note when Mr. RH told me that I was "over-complicating" the wedding process, and that if he were planning it himself the planning would all be finished.

Oh yes he did.  And I actually didn't even bite his head off, which I think shows a lot about me and how much restraint I have.

A couple hours, a little light groveling (on both sides), maybe a wee bit of woe-is-me-ness (I won't claim that it was me!), and we parted ways (for the night!) with a smile on our faces.  Maybe sometimes, a little reality check of IT COULD BE MUCH WORSE makes you grateful for what you do have.  Right?

Yeah, I don't know either.

That, my friends, is real-life wedding planning.  Sometimes, your groom inserts his ENTIRE size 12 foot directly into his mouth.  And then you may hope he chokes on it.  (The kind of choke that you cough up with maybe puke.  Not the turn blue and die choke.  Just so we're clear.)

All-in-all, yesterday gave me the beautiful gift of perspective.  In the next 100 days, I will probably have: fights with anyone and everyone related to the wedding, tears, emotions I can't understand or even articulate, guilt that I'm not enjoying the buildup to "happily ever after", and guilt that I'm enjoying everything a little too much.

I will probably wish it's over approximately 567 times, and wish that I could plan forever 894 times.  I will probably drop the f-bomb like I'm a truck driver, and hug everyone I love SO tight.

Because in the end - anything can and will probably go wrong.  The perfection of The Day will be not in the details, the color scheme, or in the perfect centerpiece.  It will be in (trying!) to enjoy a whirlwind day of love, in the midst of all the people I love the most, and in marrying my #1 man.

Even at our worst, I would pick one horrible day together over hundreds of perfect days without him in my life.

That being said - let's just say I would prefer September 21st to be one of the best days.

Bring. it. on.

  • Set a Date
  • Book Church
  • Book Reception
  • Book Photographer
  • Book Videographer - still struggling over this.  My dad, head of the finances of this operation, says unequivocally no.  Not sure if we can swing what I want otherwise, because of course the "random" expenses are piling up fast. 
  • Book DJ for Reception
  • Ask Bridesmaids
  • Ask Groomsmen
  • Create Wedding Website - it needs updated, BADLY.
  • Register
  • Florist
  • Wedding Dress
  • Engagement Pictures - one week from today
  • Pick Bridesmaid Dresses
  • Have Bridesmaids Order Dresses - DONE.
  • Select Groomsmen Attire
  • Have Groomsmen Order Tuxes
  • Buy a Veil -ordered one on Etsy.  Hurry up and SHIPPPPPP.
  • Decide on Cake
  • Wedding Coordinator - not happening.
  • Save-the-Dates
  • Finalize Guest List -
  • Cake Knife and Server - skip
  • Cake Stand - WANT.
  • Toasting Flutes - on the registry...
  • Pre-Marital Counseling - waiting on a new priest to come to our church. This SUCKS.
  • Pre-Cana Class 
  • Natural Family Planning Class - doing the "home study" now. Trying not to poke my eyeballs in.
  • Guest Book - I'm thinking I want something that we can frame and hang on the wall.  Etsy?!
  • Book Hotel Rooms - hahahahahaha
  • Figure Out Parents’ Wardrobes
  • Wedding Shoes - dying in anticipation, they ship this week.
  • Wedding Jewelry - Returned earrings, repurchased them (with more cash back thanks to ebates!).  Waiting on that lace bolero to get here to make final decisions. 
  • Garter -  I'm not sure we're doing a "garter toss" - do I still need one?
  • Book Hair for Bride
  • Book Hair for Bridesmaids
  • Book Makeup Artist - Research
  • Book a Tasting for Reception Venue - July 10th
  • Welcome Bags for Hotel Guests - skipping this.  Trying to skip the guilty feeling, also.
  • Hair Trial
  • Makeup Trial
  • First Dress Fitting
  • Second Dress Fitting
  • Start to Create Centerpieces
  • Ceremony Programs
  • Order Invitations - need to nail down times for the church and reception to get these ordered
  • Mail Invitations
  • Book Rehearsal Dinner Venue
  • Rehearsal Dinner Music/Activities - actually, a little trivia game would be fun.... and we could give out prizes?
  • Buy Rehearsal Dinner Dress
  • Bridesmaids Gifts - I'm thinking jewelry and their hair/maybe makeup?  Jewelry, hair, robes.... I'm sure they're reading this. 
  • Groomsmen Gifts - put that on Mr. RH's list
  • Bachelorette Party - July 27-28
  • Bachelor Party  - off my list, dude.
  • Bridal Shower - August18th
  • Buy Wedding Bands - they're sitting on my dresser.  Can I practice wearing it? 
  • Photo Wish-List for Photographer - I could spend the next 4 months on this.
  • Get Marriage License
  • Wedding Favors - no way.
  • Book Transportation from Wedding to Reception - why are there no nice rental places in this small town?!
  • Figure out Getaway Transportation from Reception
  • Honeymoon - probably not until 2014
  • Gift for Groom - need ideas
  • Card for Groom on Day-Of -got it
  • Rehearsal Dinner Invites - can't I just text them?
  • Music List to DJ
  • Wedding Night Hotel Room –see also: hotel debacle, not happening.
  • Order Thank-You Notes
  • Say “I Do” 
One day, I will edit this list and create a new, personalized to-do list.  But that's a project in and of itself.

The countdown's on!


  1. I say no garter or grooms gift. Do something for your house afterward. A card is perfect!

  2. For grooms gift, I bought my husband cuff links and had the monogrammed with his last name initial only. They were not very expense but my hope was that if we ever had a son together (which we do now) maybe our son could wear them on his wedding day too!

  3. I feel you pain with the fiance' comments. This past weekend my hubby to be said, "I'm just ready to get it over with." when referring to OUR wedding that I've been planning. But then that opened the door to another convo about how he's anxious and nervous since we're having a big wedding. Bless his heart.

  4. Oh and for Groom's gift I'm doing something like this since he "plays" guitar.

  5. We didnt do groom/bride gifts - at all. Instead we pre-booked a candlelight dinner on the beach for our honeymoon! :) WAY more fun

  6. Woo! You're doing really well, and I totally feel you on the wedding favors. We're doing small personalized bookmarks I designed myself (whole cost of project: roughly $40) and some people in my party who shall remain nameless do not feel this is "enough" of a favor.

    We have 200 people coming -- so what am I supposed to do? Personalized bottles of wine, individual tins of candy lined with real gold filigree, expensive desserts to take home after I've just served expensive dessert? No, thank you.

    Also, I'm not doing a garter toss. I find it awkward and weird and I definitely am not the girl who wants her fiance's (er, husband! Not used to typing that) hand jammed up her leg in front of God, her grandma and everyone in between. Prettttty much my nightmare, actually.

    Also, we're waiting to take our big honeymoon, too :) I'm all about the mini-moon! I feel like we've discussed this. All the same, just getting away for a few days post-wedding without the chaos of going on a huge trip makes me feel so much more relaxed already.

    I could talk about weddings with you all day, Sarah. Weddings weddings weddings!!

  7. for my friends wedding she ordered us each a clutch purse from etsy to carry on the wedding day that matched our dresses. on the inside was a message that said "thanks for sharing this special day with us" and the date. i still use the purse now when i go on date nights with the hubby.

  8. OMG if YOU are at 100 days, that means I'm at 107 (cue freak out!)

    My fiance and I have had some knock down drag outs about the whole wedding thing too. He wanted to go away JUST US and get married. No parents even! Obviously that idea didn't fly. So now we're having a huge bash that consists of 85% his people and he gets mad if I try knock some people off the invitation list. Go figure!

    It makes me feel SO much better that you have stuff on your to do list too. I have panic attacks when I start thinking about all the "little" things left on mine. Oh ya know, like rings, and silly stuff like that....

    But this is my favorite part of your post (besides the chocking clarification!) "I would pick one horrible day together over hundreds of perfect days without him in my life." swoon!

  9. I think I have found a bride who is more organized than I am. That being said, I love you!
    I had a few "OMG can I strangle him" moments with my fiancé who requested "Can we not talk about wedding stuff this week?" WHAT!!!! or "Isn't that a little too much work for something so small?" WHAT!!!! I am very curious what the wedding would look like if he planned it. Actually, I'm not curious, I'm scared.
    I'm 44 days from my wedding day, aka, I'm getting married next month!!!!!!!
    I loved reading your todo list and seeing what's been crossed off to see if I forgot anything.
    I just got a garter yesterday that I love (Etsy). We are skipping grooms gifts but I will get him a card or a cute couple of notes to have people deliver to him before the ceremony.

  10. as far as the videographer goes...we had someone just come and record the ceremony. no reception or anything, because the guy was doing it for free as a favor to our officiant/family friend. and honestly, i love it and don't really miss not having the rest recorded...there are PLENTY of pictures of the fun that was had! maybe you could find someone willing to do that and keep the cost down? or skimp somewhere else (like the garters and such) for something you'll be able to enjoy for much longer than 1 day.

  11. Oh my gosh....the countdown is ON! For a "groom's gift" I bought us a GPS to take to Oregon on our honeymoon. Not the norm, but very much needed back in 08 before we all had smartphones!

  12. Girl. What is your email? We need to start sharing notes! Mine is melanie0513 at gmail dot com.

    For our guest book, I had an inexpensive album made with our engagement photos and everyone will sign it... kinda like a yearbook!

    And don't feel guilty for nixing the welcome baskets for hotel guests.

    Yes, wear a garter even if you don't do a garter toss. You can still take some classy photos showing it off that will be gorgeous.

    Do you know anyone with a Cricuit machine? (I'm not even sure if that's how you spell that actually.) I am making most of my bridesmaids gifts with it and saving a TON!

    Seriously. If I can compare notes and help at all, I'm happy to do so!
