Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Earrings

On a normal day, I am a little bit crazy about earrings.  How much they should dangle (a decent amount), how much they should sparkle (blinding, depending on occasion), and how colorful they should be (so colorful!).

So, when it comes to picking wedding earrings, I am basically screwed.  However.

I saw a picture of Chelsea's wedding earrings and I. wanted. them.  After bothering her on twitter, I found out the earrings were Nadri brand, which is sold at Nordstrom and other department stores. 

I found two pairs of earrings... but I'm going to let you see them before I start picking them apart piece by piece. 

So, big and bold chandeliers.   Perfectly sparkly and amazing. 

The second pair is more subdued.  I feel like it's the "right" choice... but in person, there is a slight dark spot in the center of the stone.  You can kind of see it in this picture.

You can see it better in this old instagram pic I posted months ago.

That makes it looks REALLY bad, right?

Although, in all the pics I snapped in getting these.... I didn't really notice it.  So maybe it was just sitting on that black cardboard that makes it bad?  It's just weird that the chandeliers sparkle SO perfectly no matter how you look at them. 

The chandeliers seem a little "much" for a wedding ceremony... but then again, I'm a little much.


Also, I snapped up these shoes because Ebates was running 14% cash back for their birthday...

There's a little bit "brighter" red than I was hoping for in person... I'm a bit more of a scarlet red person than a bright red person. 

I'm really not supposed to be spending money on shoes right now.... but they're so red!  I feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

So.  Wedding earrings.  Go big or go home?  Or small. 

It's really anybody's game. 


  1. I feel like it's a little hard for me to give a final answer without knowing exactly what your dress looks like. Both are very pretty though so I don't think you can go wrong really. I am going to go ahead and vote for the go bi or go home option though because you can't really beat that sparkle.

  2. How about you wear the smaller ones for the ceremony and the bigger ones for the reception?

  3. I like Annie's suggestion. Small for ceremony and big for reception!

  4. Big! If you have to cover your shoulders, you should go all buck wild with big sparkly earrings!

  5. I think it depends on how you are wearing your hair too. If it's down, I'd go big. If you plan on an updo or pulled back, I'd go with the smaller ones. I find when I wear the Kendra Scott Danielle's with my hair in a ponytail, they are just too distracting.

  6. Go big girl! Love those! And I'm sure the others show the dark spot because it's sitting over the black cardboard. Happy planning!

  7. Nadri earrings are the best!!! I bought my bridesmaids the round ones and I'm debating between the pear shaped ones or cushion cut ones for me!

  8. I think the small earrings are classier for a wedding. That's my two cents' worth.

  9. I totally agree about how it depends what your hair will look like. I totally adore the big bold ones so that would be my first pick just based on the earrings alone.

  10. Oh - and this is the style I'm leaning towards...

  11. if you aren't wearing anything in your hair that's super sparkly, AND if your veil will cover your ears some...GO. BIG. when else do you get to rock blingy chandeliers like that?? it is a bride's sacred duty to shine...those earrings will only help =)

  12. I like the bigger ones especially if you are wearing your hair up and have no necklace.

  13. With your hair back and a veil, I say go big with the chandelier. They seem more you.

  14. I say the smaller ones. Otherwise, all eyes will go to the earrings and away from you.
