Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Steps to Happiness

You know, there are some times when I think that I couldn't possibly think of 10 things that make me happy... and there are times that I could make this list go on forever.

But - there are a few surefire things that always make me happy.

And surprisingly they are not all ice cream.  Today.

  1. Baking.  I love putting some batter into the oven and then removing a beautiful treat.  I mean honestly... CARBS.

  2. Margaritas with friends.  Too bad the BFF is knocked-up, that puts a major damper on margarita drinking.
  3. Twitter.  Sometimes, the best therapy is online.
  4. May Flowers.
  5. Being Engaged.  129 days until the wedding and I'm already mourning the loss of this time.  Why has it gone so fast?!
  6.  Sweet, tiny babies.  My "new" niece and nephews are already 4-6 months old.  One of my other college friends gave birth to a baby boy.  Stop growing, babies!!"
  7. Cooking.  Mr. RH has been commuting for his new job, and it leaves me with some extra time on my hands.  And I've been cooking... and it's rather delicious.
  8.  Curly hair.  Sometimes, I think nature got confused when it gave me straight hairs on my head.  Luckily, I can daydream about future curly-haired children, right?!

  9. Online shopping.  I believe we've discussed this before.
  10. This blog.  My buddy in good times and in bad.  Thanks for hanging around.
 Happy Tuesday!


  1. Ok, You are my new best friend. Baking is the best thing of life. I wish I was just good at it. Your engagement ring is beautiful & I love babies too! Obsessed with your blog! The end ♥

  2. The rest of the days until the wedding are going to FLY BY! Enjoy it while you can, pretty lady :)

  3. Totally with you on all of these. Although, I would have to add bubble baths and new magazines.

    129 days is going to go fast - but you are in the weirdest part (at least for me), because there is so much to do, and yet, you have to wait.

    Luhhhhh ya!

  4. Totally with you on all of these. Although, I would have to add bubble baths and new magazines.

    129 days is going to go fast - but you are in the weirdest part (at least for me), because there is so much to do, and yet, you have to wait.

  5. Fun list! I agree with all... except maybe curls, I'm not sure I could handle a full head of curls

  6. I'm going to add furry friends - nothing makes my day happy like coming home to my pup!

  7. Loving the Pollyanna vibe - things what make us happy are wonderful :)

  8. baking is the BEST. if only i could figure out how to do it without my kitchen looking like a sugar bomb went off!

    and those potatoes?! send them to me. stat.

  9. I am so with you on 1-4. Social media, especially Twitter, is where I go to unleash the sass.
    You pretty much lose me after #5, though, I don't like anyone's children until they're about 3.
