Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wine AND Wedding Wednesday. A Perfect Marriage.

So, if there's anything that I enjoy blogging about as much as wedding planning, it's cheap wine.  You may think that's me being coy about my wine connoisseur ways, but it's not. 

Before I was ever engaged, I had seen a photo on Pinterest that really revved my want-to-be-a-bride heart.

You may have seen it 300 times before, if you run in the same pinterest circles as me.

Anyways, many people had traced the cup back to Spencer's but it was out of stock online.  The last time I was in a Spencer's was.... 8th grade, so I wasn't holding my breath there.

And lo and behold, my groom came through for me.  Have I mentioned lately how lucky I am to have him?  I don't think so.

I'm lucky.

I've had the cup for a couple of weeks now, but I just finally got wine into it this week.  GENIUS.
I think profanity is slightly vulgar (eh, not really, actually), especially on the blog... but I just had to share.  I only wish you could see me doing the happy dance in real life whenever I announce that "I'm getting married." 

As for the wine, it's a cheeeap bottle of red moscato, my new favorite.  Although it's been pointed out to me multiple times that I will need to ditch the red if I whiten my teeth before the wedding (shouldn't be a problem, I love white wine). 

Pretty sure it was less than $5 on sale at Meijer, which makes it a winner in my book.  Yes, I'm a cheap date (if we're talking only specifically about wine, not shopping).  Yes, Mr. RH is a lucky man.

Cheers!  Happy Wine Wednesday!

I'm getting married, bitches.  Cue the happy dance.


  1. Love it! I wish I had found that when I was engaged!

  2. Umm Amazing!!!! I need this!!! I may even pick one up for a bachelorette party im going to!!
