Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday Randoms

I feel like I have Real Important Things to say... but all that comes up is a bunch of random bullet points.

Bullet points it is.
  • Whenever I get my hair done, she puts this product in it that makes it crazy tangly and stringy.  Even if I comb it out, it'll go right back to being weirdly piece-y. 
  • If I go to the doctor and they tell me there's nothing wrong - I always assume that they have no clue what they're doing. 
  • Mad Men makes my brain hurt in many different ways.  I can't keep up with every single storyline.  All I want is more Joan, more Peggy, more Betty, and less Don's woman of the moment (Megan and his mistress).  Obviously I just don't like shows about men. 
  • I'm pretty sure I never mentioned it, but I got an iPhone 5 in December.  And the battery suuucks.  Just like everyone says it does.  I went to buy a battery case for it but I can't justify the $70 today. Maybe in a month or two when the battery starts dying faster.  (Also, starting to see the appeal of the Samsung Galaxy that Mr. RH wants.  Allegedly the battery lasts foreverrrr.)
  •  I've been on a bad shopping spree.  I'm actually afraid to look at the balance of what's on my credit card.  Also, my "to return" pile is growing by the minute.
  • Some of the stuff on the card is wedding-related, so that at least means that things are getting accomplished, right?
  • Starting to fall way behind on wedding things.  Have zero motivation.  Want to bury my head in the sand and cry.  And maybe lay in the sun and get a tan if I'm in the sand already.
  • The rain.  And flooding.  A week ago, my city got 5 inches of rain in one day.  We were on the NBC news twice cause the dang town was underwater.  It started raining as I drove home last night and the roads were already flooding.  UNCLE, mother nature, uncle.  Please, sunshine.  PLEASE.
  • I purged my closet to take things to the consignment shop... and they've been living on my dining room table ever since.  
  • Thanks for your sweet comments on my post yesterday.  I still feel a little emotionally raw, but I'll be ok.
Happy Wednesday.  Make it fabulous.


  1. Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article. I like the way you explain the things. Keep posting. Thanks. furniture Online

  2. I laughed about your doctor comment. I am the same way and I bitch about that all the time. Happy Wednesday!

  3. The best things come from bullet points.

    And, I would love to bury my head right next to you in the sand, all while getting our midwest skin burnt to a crisp and drinking way too many margs.


  4. Hey friend, left Twitter for a minute to comment husband was having the same problem with his iPhone and we took it to the store where they "reset" it or something....the next day it still drained quickly but then the day AFTER that-it was weirdly fine. I also had him reboot and he makes sure that he closes all the running apps and I turned off some of the Location Services and Notifications......all of this to say that the Apple store should be able and willing to help you. I LOVE my iPhone and am a huge fan of Apple products so let me know if there is more I can do to help!!!
