Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

I stopped into a bridal show this past Sunday, one I knew my venue was attending and I was hoping to find a makeup artist - no such luck.

Anyways, I was perusing the wares and ran into the woman who runs my venue.

"Oh, Sarah, September 21st.  Well heck, you must almost be done planning by now!"

She said this with a completely straight face.

And then I fell over laughing.  And then I died.

But in all seriousness, I have 95 pictures of myself in a wedding dress.  It's a wonder I get anything done at all, ever.

Cause I could just stare at dress photos all day long and never get anything done again.

How's life out there in the regular universe?  Anything happening that I should know about?

Also, spoiler alert, that's SO not The Dress.


  1. I wonder why people think planning is done so far in advance. I'm in the field and I have lots of brides for the summer that haven't confirmed many details. You're so ahead of the curve!

  2. I hope you slapped that B! Why on earth would you be almost done? There are so many details you can't even begin to plan until closer to the date. UGHHH
    Anyway, that veil is gorgeous. And you can totally rock lace (I can't)! I still look at pictures of myself in various wedding dresses. It's sort of a sickness. They are just so pretty.

  3. I can give you the name of my makeup artist if you want. She did a great job.

  4. i still sometimes look at the pictures of the dresses that didn't make the cut...and the first time i tried on the one that did! so fun =)

  5. Oh goodness... our wedding is May 16th and I still do not have everything done (although the important things are). And our reception back in KY in June is not anywhere near done. Oh procrastination...
