Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Merry!!

Almost a month since my last post, but I couldn't let the day pass without wishing everyone out there on the big, wide internet a very, very Merry Christmas. 

It's been a hectic holiday season around here and I would be lying if I said I wasn't ready for the whole season to be over.... however, I know I'm going to be missing the jolly carols and twinkling lights just as soon as I have a minute away from work to breathe.

Merry Christmas!!


  1. Merry Christmas, Sarah! Hope everything calms down for you soon, and that you get some relaxing time with your loved ones. :) Great photo of you and Mr. RH!

  2. Merry Christmas friend! I hope you get some rest soon. Enjoy it! xo

  3. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. RH. Great picture.

  4. Adorable as always!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  5. I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas week with your family! xoxo, eliza

  6. Beautiful picture! Glad it was such a Merry Christmas!
