Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome to the World, Tiny Princess Savannah

It's been a busy couple of days and I had Big Plans for posting.... but then Life happened.  On Wednesday night, I was puttering around the house and cleaning and busy and Mr. RH texted me - "Would the news that sister's going into labor cheer you up?"... and indeed it did.

I slept fitfully and spent the day being a housewife to myself and trying to get my act together. 

Since it was her first baby, I anticipated that she wouldn't give birth until Thursday evening and that I would unfortunately miss the hospital meet and greet because I have to work Friday evening.

Fortunately, my SIL is a champ and miss Savannah was born at 1:01 pm on Thursday, November 29th.  By 3 pm, Mr. RH called me as I was exiting the shower (can't be stinky meeting a new baby!) and told me to get my hiney into the car.

Less than 4 hours after she was born, I got to snuggle the absolutely TINY Savannah.  Five pounds, nine ounces and 20 inches long... she's a long, tiny princess.

I got to cuddle the tiny princess while she was less than 5 hours old.  I can't even HANDLE IT!  She has the sweetest, cutest little lips that she kept pursing and "kissing" the whole time I was there... I guess it was almost feeding time!!

When Mr. RH stepped out of the room for a minute, she started crying in her sleep - loudly, a full wail.  Can you imagine what she must have been dreaming about?  So sweet.

Anyways, today I am thankful for safe, healthy babies and sweet new beginnings.  Also can't wait to shove the tiny princess into a Christmas stocking.... can you imagine?!

Happy Friday!


  1. Aww, congrats! Being an aunt is a wonderful. You get all the fun and not so much of the unfun stuff. I love that you can get the classic picture of her in a stocking! My 5 month old nephew is probably a bit too big, but maybe I can make it work for the picture!

  2. Precious! She was the exact same size as Jack! Actually, he was 1/2 an inch shorter. :)

  3. She's soooo adorable, and just in time for the holidays! Congratulations!!!
