Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eat, Sleep, Baby Shower

Life is, as per the norm lately, complete insanity right now.  T-minus 4 days until Mr. RH's sister's baby shower.  My house is a bomb and I have worn the same pair of jeans 3 days in a row.  Not that it's a secret or anything, I think my staff is pretty aware of it.

I am no an every-other-day shower schedule to save time... and it's not looking pretty on me.  Also, being sick can kiss my butt.

So, I thought I'd ask you all to tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Ask anyone who is anyone and they (read: pinterest) will tell you that tissue paper poufs are the only decor option for baby showers.  Ask me and I'll tell you I suck at poufing.

I'm thinking that my pouf is just a little anemic, not enough sheets of tissue paper.  I added more paper and it didn't really seem to help.

I think I'll try again again and add even more sheets... but if you think you know the problem... hit me up home girls.

I'm also making a couple pieces of art for the gift table - maybe.  This is the first one and I haven't even started the second one. 

The letters are little wooden letters that need to be painted.  I had planned on painting them the brown color, but now I'm thinking they should be the dark pink color.

Or should they be the light pink color to tie it all together.

Is it ugly?  I hope it's going to match the nursery.

So, that's life around here.  Eat, sleep, baby shower.

Hopefully I'll emerge from the land of the pink poufs soon.  I've got shopping posts I want to write.


  1. I'd cast my vote for the wooden letters in the light pink color! I don't think it's ugly at all. :) And good luck with the poufs -- I'm crafty to a point, but after that... not so much.

  2. I could be completely off-base here, but I think the wooden letters look cute as is! No pouf-y advice I'm afraid.

    Well done you for putting all that work in - she's going to love it.

  3. I've tried the tissue balls a million ways, I found if you make them on the smaller side they work better. For me the bigger they the paper is all floppy. Between the size of a grapefruit and cantaloupe worked best for me. Hope that helps.

  4. Okay so obviously you're crazy busy, but my favorite baby shower decoration is a diaper cake. It's really easy to make (even a DIY dunce like me can do it) and it'll look a lot prettier than some unpoufy tissue paper poufs. Takes me about an hour.


    Hope that helps!

  5. The other person is right. Smaller is easier. You're almost there with those though. Just keep fluffing em.

  6. The other person is right. Smaller is easier. You're almost there with those though. Just keep fluffing em.

  7. Love that canvas!! I would go with light pink for the letters, but all the choices would like nice!!
