Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wedding Wednesday: It's Official

As of last week, Mr. RH and I officially have a wedding date.

September 21, 2013.

 I have booked exactly 1 thing: the church.

In my defense, I had plans to book a reception site and set up meetings with photographers yesterday... but then I got the bombshell of all bombshells at work and I spent most of the day on the couch whining.

Which was a really productive use of my time.

So, I know it's been a bit of a bust around here with regards to wedding-planning... but let's hope I get that straightened out soon. 

Excellent. Only 353 days until my wedding!

 Happy Wedding Wednesdays!


  1. Yay! How exciting! September is a BEAUTIFUL time of year to get married! But then again, I might be biased. Haha

  2. Yay, so excited that you've set a date. I can't wait to hear about which locations you're scoping out!

  3. That's an excellent first step, and I love September! It will be a gorgeous day, I'm sure.

  4. woohooo!! things will start happening fast now that you have the date picked out! so exciting!!!!

  5. YAY! Congratulations!! That is SO exciting! I have always wanted a September wedding and this will suit you perfectly :)

  6. EEEEEEEEK!!!! So much to like here. The countdown is on :)

  7. That's such a pretty time of year for a wedding!

  8. Congratulations!! I suggest after you book the reception you focus on the photographer (most important part of any wedding other than actually getting married) and then your dress . . after that it will all fall into place

    Yay for September 2013!!

  9. I think you've booked the most important thing first - it's about the marriage and that's the primary reason you're celebrating! I think booking the ceremony location is the best place to start. The other things are just fabulous but will fall into place.

  10. YAY! Congratulations! So exciting!!

  11. OMG, I missed your big announcement! I remember you blogging about going on your first date with him. My how time flies! Congrats!
