Friday, October 5, 2012


I'm sorry this little blog has become the dumping ground for all the thoughts swirling around in my head lately... but it just had to be done, I suppose.  Best to get it out and not let the crazy stay in my brain all day, right?

  • All my life consists of making appointments right now.  Hair appointments, appointments to see reception venues, and appointments with photographers.  I feel like I need a better way to organize my life and schedule, but I don't have one.  I use a weekly post-it note on the fridge.  No joke.
  • Speaking of hair appointments, I booked highlights so I could be fresh and blonde for our engagement photos coming up soon.  Although, at the rate it's currently going, I'm pretty sure fall will be over by the time our fall-ish photos come up.  Excellent.
  • We've had some major earthquakes at work this week.  Not literally, but from a management perspective.  Just thinking about what I need to do - both for myself and for my store - makes me want to throw up.  When do you get to the point where you put yourself first and... well, I'll let you guess that part.
  • Speaking of engagement photos, I have nothing to wear.
  • Speaking of nothing to wear, I've asked Mr. RH if we can just go shopping together for my birthday.  Which is a week from Sunday and I will officially be on the downward slope of my 20s.  Now I really am going to cry.
  • There's a Fall Bridal Gala here on Sunday.  Waste of time or worth a look?  I can't decide if there would be anything or anyone there that I'd want to talk to....
  • It's Friday and I've got big plans after work - working on the schedule from Mr. RH's couch while chugging wine from the bottle while he does homework.  If your Friday night plans are more fabulous than that.... well, YOU win!
Bridal gala - yay or nay?  And tell me how your weekend is going to be better than mine.  Ready set go.

Happy Friday!!


  1. I'd say go. Especially if you are just beginning to plan. They can give you some good ideas of what you do and don't want to do. Plus you will have everything there in front of you, it's a lot easier to check it out that way then website, after website, after website.

  2. I say go as well. I had a lot of vendors For my wedding narrowed now, or so I thought until I hit up a gala and decided not to use some vendors because of their gala presentations. I also found some small tiny new vendors who were fabulous to work with since they were trying to break into the business. Worth a shot. The freebies can be fun too!

  3. Bridal gala sounds like FUN! I would go and you may at least get a few good ideas! Happy WEEKEND!

  4. I would suggest going to the gala. At a lot of them you can sign up for drawings for free services, you can meet a lot of good vendors and see different wedding trends and afterwards you get emails with good deals for vendors.

  5. What do you do for work?

    Go, they're fun!

  6. I got married 2 years ago and went to one bridal forum. I ended up finding my photographer there! They may have specials if you choose them (if you have their flier from the bridal show, etc). When I walked in I also got a great wedding planning book for free! I ended up using that thing until it nearly fell apart. Oh, and the free cake! You definitely have to go for the cake alone. Sampling cake every 5th booth is totally worth it :)

  7. And one more thing - don't register for ANY freebies or contests, etc. I will tell you from experience that you will get phone call after phone call trying to sell you something and I think they may have sold my information! Big mistake!

  8. I got married 2 years ago and went to one bridal forum. I ended up finding my photographer there! They may have specials if you choose them (if you have their flier from the bridal show, etc). When I walked in I also got a great wedding planning book for free! I ended up using that thing until it nearly fell apart. Oh, and the free cake! You definitely have to go for the cake alone. Sampling cake every 5th booth is totally worth it :)

  9. Go to the bridal gala! Even if you don't find any vendors you actually want to use, you can get lots of good ideas to steal. You also usually get to enter into a lot of drawings for free things, which never hurts.

    Good luck at work!

  10. I loved going to Bridal Shows. They always have great freebies and giveaways! I will suggest that you bring some pre printed address labels with name address email and phone number on them so you can enter all the contests. This was suggested to me when I went and it saved SO MUCH time!!! I didnt have to write my name on anything, I slapped a festive label on and went to the next vendor :) Have fun!!

  11. When my niece got married a few years ago, she attended every bridal event within 200 miles. So I guess it's worth it. And this isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds, but I'm going to San Francisco for the three-day weekend. The already-crowded city will be mobbed. They're expecting up to two million visitors this weekend. They have a LOT of different things going on. I don't plan to attend any of them, but my daughter lives there so we will just do a little shopping, eating and visiting.

  12. Cake. Lots of cake. So yes, you should go.

    Also, make up a wedding specific email sounds good. This way THAT address is flooded with offers from vendors and not your real address. Then after the wedding you aren't constantly unsubscribing from vendor emails!

  13. My girlfriend went to a few of those bridal events, and she won a tuxedo for her fiance. Even if you don't win anything, it's still worth going just to get ideas of what you want!
