Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Classy Bookshelf

So, I've still been on quite the reading kick lately.  The drop in temps has me forgoing wedding planning (shocker!) to cozying up in bed (at 5 pm, no less) to read, read, read.

Maybe if I got a teenage fiction novel about wedding planning?  Put it on the to-do list.

 Green Heart by Alice Hoffman is a short trilogy in the Hunger Games-type style.  It was good and I read them in just a couple days. 


I've always been a huge Sophie Kinsella fan (Shopaholic books, anyone?) and I've Got Your Number is exactly what you'd expect.   I really enjoyed this one - even with the predictable ending.  And, bonus!, the main character in this book is engaged.  So, lots of wedding-planning advice there.  (Spoiler: not really). 


When I heard Andy Cohen was penning a memoir of his life, I know it will surprise you all that I was first in line.  (Not really, but I love me a good Housewife reunion.)  So, I was excited when Mr. RH snagged me a copy to devour. 

And I did totally devour Most Talkative - it's a great look at Andy's life and how he worked his way to Bravo-super-stardom.  And I like him 200% more now than I did before, which is saying something.  His life ain't all weave-pulling and Housewives

See You at Harry's by Jo Knowles was, I'm not even gonna lie, a pretty sad book.  The book itself was good, but the content matter was actually a little heartbreaking. 

I totally enjoyed it in the moment (when I wasn't crying)... but needless to say - it should come with a warning and a box of tissues.

Are you reading anything good lately?  And is it just me or is fall THE perfect time for book-reading?  Somebody get me a mug of warm cider, mmmm.


  1. I can't wait to pick up that Sophie Kinsella one, I love her writing. I read the Shopaholic ones and loved it...
    Thanks for the tips!

  2. Fall is definitely an awesome time for reading -- and I start transitioning away from my beloved chick lit and picking up "heavier" books, like classics.

    I have sort of a love/hate relationship with Sophie Kinsella (love her, hate the Madeleine Wickham books), but she is definitely good when you want a quick, entertaining read!
